Roland E. Zwick
In the flatfooted psycho-religio thriller "The Ministers," John Leguizamo plays Scripture-spouting twin brothers - one with a scarred face for purposes of differentiation - who've made it their life's mission to gun down those responsible for the deaths of their parents and brother, leaving religious tracts with the bodies as calling cards. Florencia Lozano plays a beautiful cop from the Bronx whose father, also a cop, was dispatched by the hood-and-mask-wearing boys years earlier for reasons that aren't entirely revealed till the end.This Avenging Angel scenario has pretty much been done to death at this point, and "The Ministers" brings nothing new or interesting to the genre. Franc. Reyes is responsible not only for the contrived, melodramatic screenplay and lackluster, pedestrian direction, but also for eliciting some of the worst performances of their careers out of Leguizamo and that crusty, battle-scarred stalwart, Harvey Keitel, as a veteran cop with a secret. After all, with material this lame, it's rather hard to lay too much of the blame at the feet of the actors.
Of course Boondock Saints wasn't the first movie, with people on a "mission", but you kinda feel like this goes a similar way. It also has some other people in it though and does not play for laughs or strays off into another reality. This stays grounded in "our" world, with real problems and some confusion (character and otherwise).It stays morally ambiguous, which may or may not be a good thing (depending on your view of things, or how you liked the acting. Name checking aside (also character names, see John L. for that), it does not bring completely new things on the table. But what it serves, it serves up pretty good (for a low budget movie that is). Harvey ("Bad Lieutenant") Keitel is always dependable, though John L. seems not at the top of his game. I've seen him do better things, with his roles.
Rarely have I watched a movie that is so consistently bad in every scene; there is not one moment in the whole film that moves beyond bad. Not even a tiny spike. Harvey Keitel plays badly, Florencia Lozano plays badly, John Leguizamo plays badly... twice!The story is probably recycled from a script back from the 70s and it feels as dated as you can possibly imagine. The only thing modern in the film were the cellphones and there were one or two scenes that featured them. Cops act like they are goons, everybody is Latino, the police work is prehistoric and so on.Bottom line: avoid this movie at all costs. If you are really bored, try ripping out your own nails, it will be quicker and less painful.
I watched this from start to finish. It was painful to say the least. When I saw the performances by John Leguizamo, Florencia Lozano, Wanda De Jesus and have to wonder if these people could even act like they needed to have a bowel movement after a box of laxatives.I've seen better performances from babies acting like they were hurt throwing a tantrum.Leguizamo needs to stick with comedy as that seems to be the only avenue that has some semblance of talent for him. To date there isn't a film that comes to mind that Leguizamo has done that is even worth mentioning, much less remembering.