The Minion

1998 "When the Millenium ends... Armageddon begins!"
The Minion
3.9| 1h35m| en| More Info
Released: 26 September 1998 Released
Producted By: Taurus 7 Film Corporation
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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New York, Christmas Eve, 1999 - at the dawn of the new millennium - a subway construction crew unearths an eight hundred year old Celtic skeleton and a mysterious key. Archeologist Karen Goodleaf is called in to determine the meaning of the discovery. News of the discovery reaches a Middle East monastery where the warrior monks knowns as the Knights Templar - an ancient sect entrusted with protecting holy relics - choose their best pupil, Lukas to face the diabolical threat. As Lukas races to New York, an evil Minion seizes Karen and uses her body like a parasite and host!

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nikola17 I Found This Movie On DVD At garage sale for $2, I Have A Dolph Lundgren Collection Expect For Cover Up Movie I Hated Specially Last Patrol AKA Last Warrior I Prefer This Movie over top of these 2 movies specially. this movie was so strange the story and way it looks of movies. just story and plot it's strange but it wasn't boring or slow wasn't anything of that. Dolph Can Do Russian Accent like in Rocky IV, Red Scorpion, The Mechanik AKA The Russian Specialist he can do a German or French Accent in War Pigs But His Character Is A Jewish Character can't do a Jewish Accent i am sorry his voice in this movie sounds terrible in this movie just terrible gives me headaches but he was a Templar and a former Speznas who deserted the Soviet army following a massacre on civilians in Afghanistan. i was thinking why can't they write him again as a Russian Character Because he do a Russian Accent maybe one of these guys haven't seen Rocky IV Or Red Scorpion sadly made his character is a Jewish who was a Speznas ? the story is similar to Arnold Schwarzenegger end of days expect this is a very low budget movie sadly can't be bigger movie i wish this was directed by Peter Hymas Who Made End of Days Dolph Character can team up with Schwarzenegger Character. this movie come out after end of days one year later it's because it's kinda Similar story to End of Days with New York, Christmas Eve, 1999 - at the dawn of the new millennium - a subway construction crew unearths an eight hundred year old Celtic skeleton and a mysterious key. Archeologist Karen Goodleaf is called in to determine the meaning of the discovery. News of the discovery reaches a Middle East monastery where the warrior monks knowns as the Knights Templer - an ancient sect entrusted with protecting holy relics - choose their best pupil, Lukas (Dolph Lundgren) to face the diabolical threat. As Lukas races to New York, an evil Minion seizes Karen and uses its body like a parasite and host. Lukas arrives just in time to rescue Karen and despatch the Minion. The Minion takes hold of another host - revealing that it is immortal. As it cuts a path of destruction through the city, decimating a parking garage and leaving a trail of death, Karen realizes that the Minion can't be killed - but only delayed from finding a new host.from finding a new host. now he kills a lot Demons in this movie and theirs another character with him is woman Karen Goodleaf (Françoise Robertson) Who Saw All What Happened Follows Lukas, She Doesn't Get What's Going on she Decides to Follow Lukas. Now This is So Similar to End of Days the all Thing and Horror and Apocalypse and Christmas all That did Peter Hymas Watch This Movie Made his Own Movie Better Then This ? i believe Peter Hymas is a Better Director then from this movie Jean-Marc Piché Who Can't Make Action a lot to it or Horror in it, i thought this was most strangest movie i have watched like Character Comes in with Heavy Weapons in Police Station i am like ok ? did Jean Marc Piché Just Toke That Scene From Terminator When He Crash's his car in Police Station Kills All Police Offices I Am like ok ?? I Know What Scene They Got That From. Sadly Theirs Not Much Action In Movie The Only Shameful Thing is When Dolph Character Lukas Has This Great Looking Glove with sharp objects on top of it and if he punch's it, it kills person it looks sick that glove i wished he would use that in movie the all movie use that Glove killing all demons but no he uses that for 30 min or less he loose it sadly shame. if he uses that, that would be badass as you can use in poster that metal looking Glove looks sick but he doesn't use that in movie sadly. there is action i like ending of showdown with Dolph And Villain each another with weapons was great looking and well shot i love that scene pretty fun but movie wasn't fun. There is action moments but movie wasn't great but i like idea of having Dolph Lundgren In Horror movie like End of Days. But Sadly End of Days Is A Better Movie Then This. this kinda hard to watch but unless if your Lundgren fan like me then you could watch this movie very easily i thought story was really good and having Dolph in it but i really wish it was peter hymas making this movie with Arnold and Dolph to save world but sadly it didn't happen or no one had thought of it. i did because i loved end of days this movie is noting special but what really really annoyed me he can't do a Jewish Accent why can't make him Russian Character Besides Jewish because his accent really annoy's me in this movie. 5/10 movie wasn't slow 1h 35min. but if your Dolph Fan it's more easily to watch if your not a fan of Dolph that's going to hard to watch
Maziun I appreciate the fact that Lundgren tried to do something different for his image with this movie. I understand that he wanted to explore some new (for him) cinematic territory – a horror movie. Unfortunately this movie is just SO bad that I can't think of any redeeming quality in it.I simply can't believe that they spent 12 million $ on this movie. By the way it looks it couldn't cost more than 1000 $. OK , so the artifacts looked authentic enough to pass for medieval or Gothic period pieces. Where did they spent all the money ? That's a mystery more intriguing than the whole movie.Dolph Lundgren in this movie plays a tough guy priest ! He is simply unconvincing and gives one of worst performances in his career. He also delivers some of the worst dialogues in his career. The rest of the actors is bad too. The movie is awfully directed. There is no suspense and the pacing is very awkward and sluggish. If you're counting on some fun action scenes you'll be disappointed. The fights are badly choreographed and shot. I've seen better fights in amateurish movies… The story rips off "Fallen" and "End of days" , but that's the smallest problem. The authors couldn't even get the dates right (The Knights Templar did not even exist until the early 12th century). The story is stupid and pathetic.It's a snoozefest. I give it 1/10.
Adam Foidart "The Minion" (a.k.a. "Fallen Knight" here in Canada) is a boring fantasy action flick with bad acting, a lazy script and with a budget so thin (too thin for grenade explosions apparently) that there's no way any audience could see it without being disappointed. The film is so poorly written that there is absolutely no drama or tension. The plot, not that you will remember or care by the time the movie is over, concerns a warrior belonging to an ancient order or super priests who have to prevent "The Minion", a servant of the Antichrist from opening a doorway to Hell and unleashing the apocalypse every thousand years. The Minion is able to possess the bodies of people, so even when our hero Lukas (Dolph Lundgren) or the woman who decides to join his quest, Karen (Françoise Robertson) get rid of it, the big bad will just come back in the body of another person. You would think that would make for some sort of excitement, particularly when you see Lukas' ridiculous spiked gauntlet thing, but the movie wastes every opportunity to deliver. An obvious plot point for example, would be for a character we care about to be possessed by "The Minion" to create the "are they going to find a way to bring him back, or are they going to have to kill their friend?" scenario but this never happens. I also took offense to the multiple displays of racism throughout. Instead of giving the villains personalities or setting up situations that would have you cheer for the protagonists, they just use this as a cheap trick to get you riled up. Even if you are a hardcore fan of Dolph Lundgren, the action scenes are bad so there's no reason to see this. (Canadian release on VHS tape, August 1, 2012)
pater-tenebrarum What a scorching ride of a movie! Never has a better film been made, ever! One wonders why it was so carelessly neglected by the Academy Awards? The best actor who ever lived, Adolphus Lundgren, graces the movie with his presence, with this shining luminary of the thespian arts miming a black-clad Knight Templar in his inimitable, hard-hitting fashion. Not only that, but the movie contains an excellent portrayal of the lost art of archeology, showing some earnest and well-intentioned digging in an abandoned subway shaft that unfortunately goes horribly wrong. A denizen of the nether regions is released, to everyone's understandably great consternation. The remainder of the plot is too complex to rehash in a few sentences, let us just say that it continually keeps you on the edge of your seat with its captivating twists and turns. The supporting actors orbiting the Great One in this movie must have descended from supporting actor grasps in vain for the proper superlatives to adequately praise their superb work. There are numerous fight scenes, which perhaps may strike some of you as superfluous given the earnest subject matter, but let me assure you they all have their place. There isn't a single scene in this movie one could possibly cut without maiming its subtle and important message. Besides, the fight scenes probably have made scores of Hong-Kong movie makers realize how starved their industry is for truly memorable choreography. The grace and fluidity of the fisticuffs is simply out of this world. What else can I say? If you have but one hour left to live, this movie is what you should spend the time with. It's THAT good.