The Mechanic

1972 "He has 100 ways to kill... and they all work!"
6.8| 1h39m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 17 November 1972 Released
Producted By: Chartoff-Winkler Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Arthur Bishop is a veteran hit man who, owing to his penchant for making his targets' deaths seem like accidents, thinks himself an artist. It's made him very rich, but as he hits middle age, he's so depressed and lonely that he takes on one of his victim's sons, Steve McKenna, as his apprentice. Arthur puts him through a rigorous training period and brings him on several hits. As Steven improves, Arthur worries that he'll discover who killed his father.

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Richard ParkerII Awesome Action Movie.Never lost interest. All the actors were very good at portraying their characters. In real life we would be very wise to stay far away from the folks portrayed. Yet the story pulls one in. The ending was, for me, an unexpected surprise. 'Amoral'? 'Justice' gets done? The viewer gets the option to reflect on that.
Richard Dominguez I Have Said It Before, Will Say It Again And Will Keep Saying It ... Bronson Never Fails To Entertain ... Lots Of Action And Suspense And A Lesson About There Being No Substitute For Experience ... This One Is Really Well Acted And The Story Is As Solid As "The Rock Of Gibraltar" ... Nice To See Keenan "Big Harry" Wynn (You May Remember Him As Chief Wild Eagle From F Troop) ... Jan Micheal Vincent Is Excellent As The Up And Coming Wanna Be Whom To Late Realized He Had Bitten Off More Than He Could Chew ... Note: Jan Micheal Vincent Has Fallen (For Some Time) On Hard Times Due To Some Bad Choices (See Link In Comments) ... My Prayers Go Out To Him And His Loved Ones Along With My Thanks For Some Great Movie Memories ... (Link .... )
jcohen1 If you are a Bronson fan you will enjoy The Mechanic. Arthur Bishop is seemingly a chess playing Paladin type with thinner mustache, a journeyman plotting and mapping his hits while sipping his wine and living in his estate. Next minute he is in a seedy part of down dressed as Bronson typically dresses and living in a dump.The dump has a pretty good view of his target. The target a guy I could kill in two minutes. Yet the kill is so elaborate you may never drink English breakfast tea again.We see that Bishop is a mess and is lonely. He relieves his loneliness by visiting a call girl who acts out a sad fantasy. Bronson is vulnerable in this movie like never before.JMV is great looking and annoying to be the perfect foil. Educated types will tell you this is "the sorcerer's apprentice". I just enjoyed most of the movie and seeing Bronson off his A game. I will see the remake with Jason Statham but I'm not drinking any Italian red.
KineticSeoul I have to admit the main reason why I decided to check this movie out was because of the new 2011 remake of this movie. And for the most part I am glad to have checked this movie out, it's a decent movie about a cold blooded hit-man. Where the hit-man is in danger as much as his victims and he does his job in a manner where it all seems like a accident and not a assassination. In fact the first 15 minutes of it shows the hit-man's method of doing his job and there is no dialogue at all until the job is done, but the set up is done well enough to not need any dialogue for that 15 minutes. Than the movie basically revolves around the hit-man taking one of his victims son under his wings and start teaching him the ways and skills to be a hit-man. The thing is the kid that he takes under his wings just isn't all that likable from his looks to his personality. Thus the parts where the hit-man, real name Arthur Bishop shows him the ropes just wasn't that engaging or all that enjoyable. It also made me wonder why Arthur decided to make him his associate, besides the kid probably has potential. For a hit-man that is cautious and careful in his methods just didn't make much sense. But than there wouldn't be a movie since most of the plot is about a assassin teaching someone else to be a assassin. And another negative aspect of this movie is that it lacks in the action department and the script start to fall short and boring after a while. And the music is more annoying to listen to than it does it's job of building tension. Charles Bronson did a pretty good job playing a hit-man with no remorse and cold blooded as well while doing what he does best. What drives this movie is the motives of both characters, trying to guess and find out what there true intentions are for keeping each other company. It's a enjoyable movie, but didn't seem like it was crafted that well and didn't flow smoothly. Not one of the best in these type of genre but still worth checking out, there is just better films of these type out there. The ending however makes this movie unique and a worthy thriller.6.8/10