Sometimes in life you are introduced to an individual who once seen, leaves a wonderful, lasting impression on you by the sheer complexity of their character and personality.
Drako is one such character. He is the opposite of what most people would aspire to be and yet we are fascinated to view him rambling through his life constantly repeating and recording his thoughts and limited memories. Most times oblivious to all around him.
Through his dedication and compassion for Drako, Toby Amies has created a loving visual memoir of a man like no other. I believe that in time and with wider exposure this documentary will come to be revered as a milestone in documenting mental health issues and the complexities of love
Was battling depression at the time i came across this film by Toby Aimes. I decided to watch it purely because of the title and cover photo, i didn't even read the description.I knew INSTANTLY that this would be an amazing film....the first minute or so showed me the artsy side of this film and I was immediately hooked.Drako, whom this film is about, had an outlook that was so genuine it helped me find ways to rid myself of this ugly depressed state i had been in for the three years prior...Everything Drako said, did and wore (clothing) made me realize that my depression was unnecessary and irrelevant to my life. Since having watched this film, i have reopened my eyes to the world, stepped completely out of my comfort zones, regained friendships, and am no longer battling any depressed thoughts and feelings. I owe a great thank you to Toby for seeing something in this man that was so great he felt inspired to create a film about him. I absolutely recommend this to anyone with an open mind. Close minded people might not understand the values this film has to offer.
The man who's mind exploded is a perfect insight in to life behind the scenes of a well know Brighton eccentric suffering mental illness. The film doesn't follow a narrative often enforced by such documentaries and as such we get a real insight into the daily repetition of Drako's life and the frustrations his family have to deal with trying to look after him whilst allowing him to retain his dignity.My only criticism would be that it would have been better to use a wider angle lens for some of the shots inside the flat.And please....this is an independent film. Don't stream it from youtube or torrent sites. Due to the number of penis's in the film, I doubt it will get a TV showing!! This is my favorite, he's dressed for dinner!
Dominic Pillai
I loved this film, it is an extremely touching and funny piece of work.I related strongly with the relationship between Drako and the filmmaker Toby Amies. I am also a filmmaker that works closely with adults with a variety of disabilities, including people with short term memory loss due to a coma, same as Drako. It would have been easy for someone to make an exploitative film with this subject matter, but here it is certainly not the case. Toby Amies has made a genuinely humane, affectionate and original piece of work. A film as good as this deserves a larger cinematic release.