Henning Schellerup directed this TV version of the classic Washington Irving story that stars Jeff Goldblum as schoolteacher Ichabod Crane, who has recently arrived in the New England town of Sleepy Hollow, and soon runs afoul of bully Brom Bones(played by Dick Butkus) after showing romantic interest in the beautiful Katrina Van Tassel(played by Meg Foster) but legends of ghosts and headless horsemen haunt Ichabod as he tries to win Katrina's hand, and keep his head... Jeff Goldblum is perfectly cast here, as is Meg Foster, but film is harmed by too many supporting characters and dramatic padding to fill out the running time; would have been far more effective about 20 minutes shorter.
Movie Nuttball
This version with Jeff Goldblum is pretty good.It is one of them films where nothing spectacular happens until the end but the end is worth waiting for!Some of the scenes are very similar like the cartoon.Goldblum was the perfect choice to play Ichabod Crane as he is tall and thin!That's all I'll say but if you like The Legend of Sleepy Hollow story and the new film and are able to check this out do so because it is a very rare film and it is a good watch for the mystery and horror fan!
I loved this one! Icabob Crane is here and Brom Bones (Dick Butkus) is angered that Katrina Van Tassel, his "girl" is taking a fond interest in Crane. When poltergeists appear, Crane still doesn't believe until one fateful night... My only problem with this is that it does not remain trueful to the book by Irving.
I love this version of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Jeff Goldblum is the best Ichabod Crane I have ever seen. Unfortunately, I have only seen it maybe every other Halloween, shown on various local stations that don't advertise their lineups in the TV guide. Also unfortunately, the film is aging poorly so every year it gets a little fuzzier. But it doesn't feel like Halloween until you see Goldblum's stammering and Adam's apple bobbing and the lovely romance emphasized in this version. I'm crossing my fingers that it will be remastered and put on DVD. Am I crazy? Yes, but I can hope.