The Legend of Secret Pass

2010 "As the forces of Darkness and Light collide, a child holds the the Secret Pass."
The Legend of Secret Pass
4.9| 1h32m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 14 October 2010 Released
Producted By: JC2 Animated Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A Native American teenager named Manu spends the summer with his grandfather high in the desert mountains. As a terrifying doom approaches, Manu must embrace his remarkable destiny and take on an incredible responsibility if he and his family are to thrive and survive.

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stanislav-fritz First, this film is not available ANYWHERE. If someone knows where a complete version of this is available for sale or streaming, let me know.My daughter saw this via a YouTube upload. The first 10 minutes were missing, but she still liked the concept of a place for orphan and lost animals to go and spirit guardians that are shape shifters.This is not REAL native American mythology, but rather a child's interpretation of it.I only wish I could find a compete version for my daughter who insists on see this even chopped up. I would note that she (at seven) is not unsophisticated in made up mythology films. She is a huge fan of all of Myazaki's films and went as "Princess Mononoke" for Halloween.
paulie1979 This film on American legend has mistakes and the makers have no idea what they are doing, they say they are Thunderbird's and turn into Eagles, but this is a mistake in its self a Thunderbird did exist when God created earth 6000 years ago and might even exist in remote places today & some tribes have even spotted them alive, The Genuine real Thunderbird is not an eagle it is actually a dragon or dinosaur, ( They were called dragons or beasts originally, until the name change over a century ago, Pterodactyl got it's name Thunderbird by when it flapped its wings it make a loud crash like thunder as its wingspan was so big hence the name Thunderbird :)
qeutiepei Thankfully, I am more native than anything. The storyline fits with the lifestyles of the Natives to their country. I have looked in many titles to locate this movie. My grandchildren loved it and that was important to me. It didn't scare my youngest grand baby which in todays film-making seem to get a great joy out of doing. It was age appropriate for my next generation.The fact that it was an animation kept me from looking to see what else could be done. The shadowing and gradients were fine for the viewing. It was in fact an animation. It irritates me that cartoons are so depicted that they are almost real. take some of the creativity back a step. 2D graphics are still OK. Not everyone has to be on the level of natural drawing. stick figures are still fun.creativity should be fun and this was that.If this movie was available now, I would purchase it. Not because it has been fine tuned and written so well that you cant tell if it is real or "ameriteque". Children are more interested in cartoons being able to do something than to watch real life do it.This movie is a must see if you have small influential children that are trained within this realm. I also wouldn't mind a soundtrack to this. My mother and god-mother both loved the soundtrack.
Dejan Kober My main problem with this animated film was his story and presentation of that story to viewer. First of all, I don't know anything about native American legends and stories, so I think that anybody who is not familiar with that, will have trouble following this story. They have spend more running time of this film on stupid and many times seen attempts at slapstick comedy, then on explaining story to someone for who is this first contact with this mythology. And story issues are main problem with most of recent animated films; you can't compete with Pixar on visual and animation field, but you can be creative with story, and story development.Next thing that I didn't like, was visual style of some characters; they had "fake" shading; some shadows and highlights ware simply painted on texture of characters. Even that look kind of good in some situations, and it was in style with overall visual feel of film, but unfortunately it looked weird and bad in most of situations. That made characters look "artificial" and lifeless; except few hard shadows, and some direct light, there was little or none visual interaction of characters with environment.What I liked, was music witch was nicely composed and made nice audio mood, and I liked animation of characters; some characters ware animated better then others, but lucky there was more good animation, then mediocre or bad one. Good animation of characters kind of fixed bad lighting and texturing, and also made characters interesting.So, in the end, this film is nothing special, and if you don't know back story you will be confused. Watch it if you don't have anything smarter to do. Story: 3/10 Visuals: 4/10 Animation: 8/10 Comedy: 4/10 Audio: 7/10 Action: 6/10OVERALL: 5/10