The Legend of Lochnagar

The Legend of Lochnagar
6.7| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 11 April 1993 Released
Producted By: Dave Edwards Studio
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Prince Charles tells a group of children the story of the Old Man of Lochnager, based on the book he wrote.

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Dave Edwards Studio

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Ron Oliver A cheery, blundering old Scots hermit disrupts the life of the wee magic folk who have responsibility for pushing the Spring flowers up out of the ground, according to THE LEGEND OF LOCHNAGAR.This humorous little film, produced in Wales for British & American television, effectively tells its tale with fairly decent animation and an often whimsical script. The cartoon's subtle plea for ecological sensitivity will not be missed by thoughtful viewers.The film is based on a 1980 story by Britain's Prince Charles - "The Old Man of Lochnagar" - and the original illustrations of Sir Hugh Casson. The Prince appears in live action segments which bookend the cartoon, relating the Legend with a serious royal demeanor which delightfully is smashed during the film's final moments.The voice talent of Robbie Coltrane as the hermit, obsessed with his bathtub & plumbing, adds greatly to the enjoyment of the film.