As far as I am aware, this film is the first of it's kind, pre-dating "The Blair Witch Project". Although, this "Boggy Creek" is a 'mockumentary' and not 'found footage'.It deserves more accolades than it gets for this fact and that it was also a successful low-budget effort that surprised the industry. The follow up sequel to this picture is worth missing although I would recommend the _Mystery Science Theater 3000_ send-up of it.
the film is a 1972 cult treasure! the film is one of the best Bigfoot films ever! the film a docudrama about a monster staling a swamp. but the real problem is finding a good DVD of the movie. the best not oop DVD is the cheesy flicks DVD. the second best but is oop is the hens tooth versian. the 3rd best and the one most fns will like is the retrosploition DVD. this DVD is sometimes regarded as the worst but is actually a very good versian if the think about it. it has 2 prints of the film trailers, a preview for " Legacy of Boggy Creek". but the movie is creepy and atmospheric. the monster has about 3 min of total screen time and it is mostley seen as a tall shadowy figure. the creatures face is glimsted upon at the end of the film. the movie is very kid friendly and most kids will enjoy it but the film is not for everyone. the film is not very hard to find but a good print is required for the full experience.
THE LEGEND OF BOGGY CREEK is one of the famous drive-in movies of the 1970s and a film that spawned a whole miniwave of 'Bigfoot' hunting movies. This one's a quasi-documentary in much the same way as THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, depicting the events on screen as having occurred for real, and was undoubtedly an influence on that horror favourite. As a film it feels largely dated and unremarkable these days, too cheap and indifferently-acted to make much of an impact. Some of the scene-setting is appropriately eerie and the locations are more than a little disquieting, but the actual man-in-a-furry-suit action provokes mirth rather than fear.
This is the very first Bigfoot/Sasquatch horror movie that I ever saw, and it was great! The film itself is what got me started on Bigfoot movies. After seeing this one, I had to watch more. The opening scene of the film in which the little boy was running across the field to get away from the creature had a big impression on me alone. The early 70's music made it almost epic, it was just one of the best movie scenes in a movie I'd ever watched. Most of the time the music in the film was good, which in my opinion, helped the film quite a bit. It was smart of Charles B. Pierce not to show the creature's face a lot, so when you see it for a couple of seconds in the end it's startling. What else is cool about the movie is even though it shows dead animals and has some violence, it's rated G. Also, it shows the creature's huge three-toed footprint later on in the movie. This is a great movie and is worth watching!