The Legend of Atlantis

2004 "Enter the lost city of Atlantis"
The Legend of Atlantis
6.7| 0h54m| en| More Info
Released: 30 March 2004 Released
Producted By: Golden Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Enter the lost city of Atlantis. A place where four living crystals have the power to control the four elements of nature: Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. Our story follows the life of Princess Elan, the daughter of King Altar and Queen Merin. One day the King's royal advisor, Belial discovers that whomever captures all four crystals can gain total control over the Kingdom of Atlantis. So, overcome by greed, Belial sets upon findings the crystal himself and in turn destroying everything beautiful and natural around him. The city's fate lies in the hands of Princess Elan, can she find all four powerful crystals in time to prevent a catastrophe?

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Golden Films

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