Malcolm Lusby
This is a very difficult movie to watch. I had to turn it off more than once to compose myself and remind myself that although this is reality - I am just watching a movie.The acting is utterly utterly flawless. The subject matter harrowing and poignant. The script is without equal. I really feel this movie makes other masterpieces like Schindler's List pale by comparison. It's hard to try and review something like this - but I think that it is a largely unnoticed movie is shameful.I would recommend this to anyone and part of me feels Europe would fair better if it abolished the laws prohibiting revisionism and made this movie mandatory school viewing instead.Cannot rate it highly enough. An utterly amazing movie with zero faults.
Having seen so many of these movies (one can never get enough of the Nazi nightmare can it), I must say that this one hits particularly hard. In an attempt to rid Berlin of all Jews the vary last of them are summoned up and uploaded to a train that is Auschwitz bound (Question- if you are a Jew in it's 1943 in Berlin (For God's sake, Hitler was just a few block away) what are you doing living in the open like everything was normal? why aren't you hiding or better yet why didn't you leave and go somewhere safe). This is not just a holocaust film, it is much more then that, it is a character study of both Jews, Ukrainians, Nazis and "Good Germans" all encased in a story that although is hard to watch is a piece of art that will make you sad and pensive.
Luigi Di Pilla
I expected a hard film and I wasn't wrong. If you cannot digest suffering scenes this isn't for you. The story is well built and shows the countdown from the arrests until the arrival to the nightmare Ausschwitz. I was never boring because there were lot of moments where I have to think about. I still cannot believe that the humanity is able to do pains and kill so many innocent people but it's the truth. The history shows that the Jewish people have been always followed in the past and I can only pray for all the victims and children that have to die during the second World War. DER LETZTE ZUG has a great meaning for me and we should never forget what happened in the wars. All the actors played very strong and this movie should earn at least attention from all the audience. 7/10.
Basically it's just a train ride but you can feel the despair and increasing hopelessness people in there are facing on that last train that will eventually take them to Auschwitz and certain death. The acting of everyone is very convincing (esp. Lena Beyerling, Gedeon Burkhard and Sibell Kekilli). Even though some things that happen on the train are left to your imagination you end up having a pretty realistic idea (minus the smell, thirst, hunger, and the corpses) of how it must have been like inside those wagons - and still it's unbelievable. Seeing the ashes of dead Jews falling like snow, accompanied by Beethoven ('To joy') gives you the chills. The story might not be based on real characters but it's as close to the truth as it gets. Making the movie was a bold move, but it was worth making. Go see this movie, you won't regret it.