The Last Slumber Party

1987 "... where the girls are DYING for a good time."
2.7| 1h11m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 13 August 1987 Released
Producted By: B. and S. Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Chris, Tracy, and Linda prepare for the ultimate slumber party on their last day of high school. But little do the ladies know that the party is about to be crashed by a maniacal killer with a giant scalpel!

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B. and S. Productions


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irishm I love a good bad cheap movie ("The Giant Claw" remains one of my all-time favorites) but this one is just trash. It's the cheapest, most poorly-written, poorly-acted, poorly-edited piece of crap I've seen in many, many years. On top of all that, it's just plain BORING... and you really can't get around that obstacle, which is what makes watching it just plain no fun, even for those who enjoy watching terrible movies. While ALL the acting is atrocious, the guy who plays the doctor deserves special mention for being considerably beneath the skill level of his co-stars. (I note that this is his one and only film credit... hardly surprising.) The only thing that made it survivable to the end was the Rifftrax commentary. Please, please, please avoid, unless you have Mike, Kevin and Bill holding your hand the whole way.
Blazehgehg I can barely even form a coherent sentence to describe to you what this movie actually is after having seen it, but I'll try.The premise is your typical cliché: A killer comes to slice up some teens. Here, it's an escaped mental patient in a doctor's outfit wielding a scalpel. Against all odds and even logic itself, he goes on a rather successful murder-spree.This movie is like something a bunch of friends knocked out in a weekend. They probably had no idea what they were doing, I doubt a script was written, they clearly had no budget to work with, and very little experience in making movies. But they still did it, and that's kind of amazing.The writing is abysmal, the dialog is even worse. The editing is a train wreck, where it's clear they dubbed music over individual shots rather than entire scenes, leading to incredibly disjointed moments where cutting to different camera angle will remove the background music until they go back to the first camera. Acting ranges from wooden to supremely over-the-top. The killer in particular has lots of (great?) scenes where he's staring directly in to the camera with his eyes bugging out, waving a scalpel around for no reason, like he's trying to dissect the lens.I had the pleasure of watching this movie with a group of friends, and we all had a blast. There's a lot of amazing stupidity worth laughing at, and the movie actually does a pretty good job of ratcheting up its own absurdity. The last 10-15 minutes are as close to a literal fever dream as any movie can come.Would I recommend? It's a STUNNINGLY bad movie, but it's also thoroughly ridiculous and I bet everyone involved had a lot of fun producing it. If that sounds right up your alley, then by all means, check this out.
Tromafreak I'll be honest. There's a lot that goes on during this glorious 70-something minutes that I don't really understand at all. And I have already accepted that I most likely never will. I'm talking about some of the most disconnected performances this or any era of Z-grade cinema has to offer. I'm talking about foul-mouthed high school chicks (played by a bunch of 30 year olds) who stay up as late as they want. I'm talking about dudes with brews. I'm talking Shot on super-8, and proud of it! Welcome to The Last Slumber Party. The undisputed stupidest movie of the 1980's.School's out for the Summer, and these fun-lovin' chicks decide to celebrate the best way they know how. Slumber Party! And of course, said slumber party is crashed off and on by eager, fun-lovin' guys, plus a killer lurks around from time to time. But nobody makes a big thing out of it. Sounds fairly simple to comprehend, no? No is right! How the director made all that as confusing as he did is beyond comprehension. Nobody ever seems to be on the same page to the point that it seems almost improvised. The plain chick is constantly trying to call it a night, while the redhead is constantly trying to "rustle up some men folk", and other random shenanigans. The blond is just there being blond. The men folk are of course ridiculous. The killer seemingly appears out of nowhere. Certain parts feels like a completely different movie. A nice way of describing this flick would be "a mess". However, an honest way of describing this film, in my opinion, would be "amazing". The Last Slumber Party is amazing to the point that it deserves more notoriety. This movie deserves to be spoken in the same sentences as such disasterpieces as Blood Freak, Troll 2, and Don't Go In The Woods. If The Last Slumber Party were just a little more coherent, I would totally recommend this with some booze. But you gotta see this. I mean, you REALLY gotta see this! If you're in your right mind, at least you'll know it wasn't just you being drunk, and that The Last Slumber Party is in fact like that.As some one who loves the schlock, I find it amazing that I went as long as I did without checking this out. And now that I have, I must tell the world of its unbelievable stupidity. Never have I been so completely undecided on whether or not the humor in a movie is intentional or not. Is it a spoof of Slumber Party Massacre? Is it just a sad clone, trying desperately to fit in the world of 80's slashers? It really is that hard to tell where these people are coming from. When a character finds the freshly-killed corpse of a loved-one, are they instructed to act as if they don't care, or were they honestly trying their best. I just couldn't tell. It's brain damaged qualities like the ones found in The Last Slumber Party that are the ingredients of true 100% quality schlock. Now, to my knowledge, I've never seen the more well known Slumber Party Massacre. But I'm pretty sure the all around quality is far superior to the one I'm reviewing. However, I would be shocked to learn it's even a fraction as entertaining. I've seen a whole lot of these movies. SomeI loved for all the wrong reasons, and some I hated for all the right reasons. But in my ever so humble opinion, The Last Sumber Party is the perfect low-budget 80's slasher. These chicks take the cake! 10/10
jerk204 I love cheesy horror movies, I think dead alive and bad taste are great and I think slumber party massacre II (not even related to this movie) are hilarious. But this movie absolutely stank, I didn't laugh, I didn't even enjoy it.. you can see all kinds of mistakes that aren't even campy. The best take of the scene where the woman leans out the window is the one where she smacks her head on the sill? Give me a break.Don't rent this thinking it's related to the slumber party massacre series. It's awful and I don't even have a clue how it got any distribution. Rent it with a fake name and burn it, do everyone else the favor.