"Based on the best-selling novel by Barbara Cartland, this colorful adventure epic of 17th century English gentry stars Hugh Grant as an aristocrat forced to become a swashbuckling 'Highwayman' after falling in love with a beautiful girl (Lysette Anthony) he has sworn to protect from the evil Cromwell. Fate drives them together, but their passion may be doomed when they are accused of crimes by their enemies (Emma Samms, Oliver Reed), and both face execution," according to the DVD sleeve notes.Romantic historical fiction made tediously for television.DVD sleeve comments to the contrary, this film stars Ms. Anthony. She is at her most beautiful, and performs her role well. Anthony had just disrobed for "Playboy" (December 1988), and would go directly to the 1990 revival of "Dark Shadows" (as Angelique). At the time a bigger star, Ms. Samms (Holly from "General Hospital") and future movie star Mr. Grant are also looking good. "The Lady and the Highwayman" is mainly watchable for prettily presenting these three with veterans.***** The Lady and the Highwayman (1/22/89) John Hough ~ Lysette Anthony, Hugh Grant, Emma Samms
From passion of romance to sword crossing action, this movie has a bit of everything. Starting in 1649 and then continuing through 1660, it follows the story of the highwayman "SilverBlade", and his efforts to protect the sister of one of his old friend's, all the while righting the wrongs still being committed after the common wealth was no longer in control of England.The lady Panthea Vyne first meets "SilverBlade" when he rescues her from a marriage to Lord Cromwell's tax collector -- which she believed would save his life. However, as she is soon after told, he has already died two weeks before. "SliverBlade" then decides to give her new husband a fair chance, and duels for his life.A few days later Panthea's Aunt Emma comes to steal her away, for -- as Aunt Emma explains it -- "I am a very old woman, I want you with me. Won't you come?".Soon after you learn that four years have passed, and the king has decided to marry a Portugise princess. Being that her aunt was once the nursemaid of the king, they are both invited to court to see the knew queen, where Pathea is the envy of every woman, including the king's old lover.As you continue to watch, the story of love, betrayal, and hope is spun around you, and at the end, you hope for what you know cannot be, just because it seems so unjust that the world would separate such a pair in so cruel a manor.After all this raving I have gone on with, you must be wondering why it only received an 8/10. Well, at least on the DVD version I have the graphics aren't exactly to the standard, even for the time. However, soon after starting the show, you forget completely about such things, and only think of the story.
This is truly goofy romantic tripe. Mainly notable for an early performance by Hugh Grant, who is probably embarrassed when clips are trotted out. Main value is its campiness, and laughs where the filmmakers never intended them.
I loved this movie growing up, it was a lot of fun and always amusing to know you were a fan of Hugh Grant before he became famous ;) This movie was released as "SilverBlade" in Australia where I grew up and first saw it, and it wasn't until I came to the United States that I found out it had another name. So if there are any Aussies out there wondering if this is the same movie - it is - I have seen both SilverBlade and The Lady & The Highwayman and they are exactly the same.