The Knot

1998 "The Dialogues with Solzhenitsyn"
The Knot
7.6| 3h8m| en| More Info
Released: 04 December 1998 Released
Producted By: Film studio "Nadezhda"
Country: Russia
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The Dialogues with Solzhenitsyn is a two-part Russian television documentary by Russian filmmaker Alexander Sokurov on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The documentary shot in Solzhenitsyn’s home shows his everyday life and covers his reflections on Russian history and literature.

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Film studio "Nadezhda"

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andreas.brannlund Aleksandr Sokurov has made a great documentary about the aging author Solzhenitsyn. The part when they walk in the forest outside Solzhenitsyns home is absolutely wonderful. Two very wise men talk about the essentialitys of life, here in the shape of a tree. "The tree is the only perfect lifeform", says Sokurov and neither Solzhenitsyn nor the viewer can say anything different after having seen The Knot.