The King's Daughters

The King's Daughters
6| 1h59m| en| More Info
Released: 17 May 2000 Released
Producted By: ARTE France Cinéma
Country: Germany
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Late 17th Century: Anne de Grandcamp and Lucie de Fontenelle, two little girls from Normandy, arrive at the Saint-Cyr school founded by Madame de Maintenon for educating the daughters of impoverished nobles ruined in wars and making them into free women. Madame de Maintenon is the secret wife of Louis XIV, and empowered by his support, she offers "her" two hundred fifty girls a playful and avant-garde education. Anne and Lucie, two inseparable friends, allow themselves to be carried away by the promise of a bright future. But Maintenon has arrived at the pinnacle of power through scheming and debasing herself and she now fears the fires of hell. She is counting on her model school to atone for her past sins.

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ARTE France Cinéma

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Fritz Langlois Here is a thoughtful, deeply researched and well-written film. An extra effort has been made to convey a realistic atmosphere of France under the rule of Louis the fourteenth. The film excels in showing the complex relationships between all the main characters, notably the King and his Lady friend (Isabelle Huppert). Every move is pretty much double-edged here, and religion is as excessive as the rest in its ideas and deeds. Huppert (MADAME BOVARY) delivers a forceful performance as the king's mistress, devoted to the education of young women.The whole thing is very austere-looking, which must not detract you from enjoying a bit of brain-stirring entertainment. Nice soundtrack courtesy of ex-Velvet Underground member John Cale (AMERICAN PSYCHO).
Pul-2 Good intents sometimes render questionable results. Having this said, I must add, that it applies to the story, not to the quality of the film.In the period of Louis XIV, the Madame de Maintenon uses her social position, gain as a courtesan, to build up an approved school for noble daughters, whose parents have fallen in poorness. She wants to educate them as free spirits to enable them more choices than she has had, but fails to some degree.I just happened to see it by chance, and did not expect too much, since I had to see it in French with subtitles. But even without understanding the language more than made possible by Latin knowledge, I was able to enjoy it and to notice even the different dialects of the smaller girls.This beautiful movie encompasses several issues of other movies I liked: The main idea is alike the one of Dead Poets Society, where the concept of free education against the rules also leads to unforeseen results. The strong relation of the two younger leads reminded me of Heavenly Creatures, whereas the drastic turn in religious questions was nearly as heavy as the one of Sue Bridehead in Jude, although in my opinion the latter was played more convincing by Kate Winslet.In general, the acting was well done. I really recommend this movie for everyone who likes DPS and/or tragic period pieces.
deming I like period pieces, and this film has plenty of history (late 17th-century France, Louis XIV), setting (Normandy) and elaborate costumes (including various hairpieces). There is some interesting insight into Madame de Maintenon, the mistress-cum-wife of the king (whose devotion to Catholicism most certainly influenced her husband's repression of the Protestants in France). The acting is marvelous, perhaps most notably among the younger girls, who progress from speaking their local patois (Provencale, Languedocien, etc.) to "proper" French as Madame sees to it that they become educated young ladies. My 20th-century-trained ear found it a bit difficult to understand all of this proper French, but I did enjoy the film.
Christophe Chohin It is inspired by the life of Madame de Maintenon who created with the help of Louis XIV a school for young girls. This could seem dreadful and it is not. This movie is something inbetween Full Metal Jacket (First part) and Barry Lyndon (Second part). It is more than the story of young girls. It deals with religion, the duality of (wo)man. It is beautiful and savage and the actresses are great (ever heard of Isabelle Huppert ?). Hope you can watch it in French because the language is perfect. Definitely worth looking. I just hope this movie will be screened all other the world. Maybe a palme in Cannes will help but I do not think Mr Besson will like that sort of movie ;-)