The Killing Grounds

2007 "The war is on."
3.7| 1h42m| en| More Info
Released: 17 July 2007 Released
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Country: Bulgaria
Budget: 0
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Set against the backdrop of a violent gang war, the police commissioner must find who is killing young children before the next innocent victim dies.

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Claudio Carvalho In Kreuzberg, Berlin, the Turkish gangs of immigrants and the skinheads are permanently fighting against each other and drug trafficking. Meanwhile, a serial-killer is killing children in the neighborhood. The Turkish Commissary Kemal (Armand Assante) is transferred from Wiesbaden to Kreuzberg, where he was born, and assigned to investigate the murderers. When the Turkish gang accuses the Neo Nazi gang of murdering the Turkish children, they schedule a war in a club. But the leader of the skinheads claims that his gang is not killing the children. "Children of Wax" is an awful film with a lame and messy story and poor and amateurish acting. The characters are unpleasant, speaks in English with German and Turkish accent and the drug-dealer Murat is in the end the most charismatic character. The situations are absurd, like Greta shagging Hakan in the van; or the use of heavy weapons on the streets of Berlin without any consequence; or the boy Mustapha shooting and killing people. I laughed with the wooden face of Armand Assante when he learns that his son had been abducted by the serial-killer. Last but not the least, the scene of Murat judging the killer closes with golden key this ridiculous film. My vote is two.Title (Brazil): "Crianças de Cera" ("Children of Wax")
toronagasan "Children of wax" also shown as "Killing grounds" is an interesting mixture of genres. Some might think the purity of the genre can be only for good but to me the eclectic symbioses is very entertaining. It is also in it's story the mixture of thriller and the popular action as well as the combination of the historic masterpiece and the ethnic plea for tolerance. This film is built with the starry presence of my favorite actor the perfect Armand Assante but it is also marked by the acting of a shooting star – Hal Ozan .We have recently seen him in the TV series on HBO called "Sex" . "Children of wax" is entertainment for the audience but the same time it has an everlasting moral for the ethnic tolerance. This is a wise way to seminate welfare. Discussion on the contemporary troubles of our days can be made with attractive means in this is very positive side of the film "Children of wax".
mikelay This film is a very descent remake of the famous Fritz Lang's masterpiece "M- Murder".It is well made and with a entertaining key to speak about pretty serious events and contemporary problems in Eurobe but not only the whole world.The ethnic intolerance is such a huge evil and very contagions nowadays. So "Children of Wax" or as it is known in US distribution reveals the question of German and Turk hatred in an amusing way.No doubt it is well appreciated to be taken for distribution by the great Weinsten brothers.And there is another fact I liked most is the participation in this movie of the favorite actor of Lars von Trier the great Udo Kier who shows to play with such a pleasure for the Bulgarian film director Ivan Nichev.
marcbocceli Brilliant work. Marvelous actors dissolve as brave and courageous characters .All unforgettable parts in a more than intriguing and capturing action –thriller. The casting is perfect. Both from the side of the stars like :Armand Asante, Bernhardt, Kier ,Denier. But as well for new faces .I was very impressed by the young actor who plays the boy gang member- Mustafa. You trust each one from the Turkish gang. Very convincing is Michael Barral and all white power followers. I admire the music beat of the main theme of "Children of Wax".This sound track is a charming mixture of Turkish, hard rock and Udo Kier's humming… And in the same time Children of Wax "a tale focusing on racial conflicts .The intolerance and brutality between the skinheads and the Turks.