The Irregular at Magic High School: Reminiscence Arc

6.7| 1h11m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 31 December 2021 Released
Producted By: Aniplex
Country: Japan
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Looking at Miyuki and Tatsuya now, it might be hard to imagine them as anything other than loving siblings. But it wasn't always this way - Three years ago, Miyuki was always uncomfortable around her older brother. The rest of their family treated him no better than a lowly servant, even though he was the perfect Guardian, watching over Miyuki while she lived a normal middle school life. But what really bothered her was that he never showed any emotions or thoughts of his own. However, when danger comes calling during a fateful trip to Okinawa, their relationship as brother and sister will change forever.

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