The Inglorious Bastards

1981 "If you're a kraut, he'll take you out!"
6.5| 1h39m| R| en| More Info
Released: 01 December 1981 Released
Producted By: Film Concorde
Country: Italy
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Set in Europe during WWII, a group of American soldiers on their way to military prison are beset upon by a German artillery attack, escaping with Switzerland in their sights. Before making it any farther, they volunteer to steal a V2 warhead for the French Underground - taking them deep into the heart of German territory.

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littletease In a nut shell...I tried to watch this when it came out, fell asleep after 15 minutes of it (the dairy farm bit).Its taken me this long to watch it. So it is a Tarantino film, bloody, gory but in a serious comical way. This film is great if you have time to read (unless your fluent in both French and German. Great story, I do not know if it is true to life, but you would hope so. A brilliant story and a great ending. Not as good as Django Unchained.Serious note, the best actor would be Christoph Waltz...he made his character real. Brad Pitt was in the film but I would say as a could not understand a flipping word he said. Melanie Laurent amazing too. We can not see such talent until its out in our face and I have seen some of it.
alan-lohf This is another embarrassingly bad attempt by the Italians to produce a WWII movie - this time inspired (if that's the right word) by 'The Dirty Dozen'. The action - and I use the word in its loosest possible sense - is reminiscent of the Keystone Cops. Hand grenades are thrown and bodies pop up into the air like champagne corks in the most absurdly comic fashion. The most - make that the only - interesting thing about this film is the appearance of Ian Bannen. I imagine he is still trying to live down his part in this absolute dog. I can only assume he needed the money. If you insist upon watching this appalling piece of drivel, I would strongly recommend a full lobotomy beforehand - it may make the experience less painful.
Claudio Carvalho In 1944, in France, the rogue American soldiers Lieutenant Robert Yeager (Bo Svenson), Private Fred Canfield (Fred Williamson), the murderer Tony (Peter Hooten), the thief Nick (Michael Pergolani) and the coward Berle (Jackie Basehart) are transported to a military prison. However, the convoy is attacked by the Germans and they survive and flee with the intention of cross the border of Switzerland.Along their journey, they fight against a German platoon and capture the German prisoner Adolf Sachs (Raimund Harmstorf) that offers to guide them to the Swiss border. When they meet a German troop, they kill them but sooner they discover that they actually were and American commando in a mission headed by Colonel Buckner (Ian Bannen) to steal a German V2 warhead. Lt. Yeager, Fred, Tony and Nick offer to risk their lives to accomplish the mission."Quel Maledetto Treno Blindato" is the original "The Inglorious Bastards" that Quentin Tarantino repeated the title in his film. The story is a sort of rip-off of "The Dirty Dozen", with delightful characters and non-stop action and hilarious sequences. This B-movie is entertaining parody of movies of war. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "O Expresso Blindado S.S." ("The Armored S.S. Express")
secondtake The Inglorious Bastards (1978)Well, first I watched the Tarantino Inglourious Basterds (2009) and just saw Wellman's Battleground (1949) which is another kind of rag-tag predecessor. This 1978 one fits between somehow, a rollicking, no holds barred Italian-made, low budget, WWII rebel movie. That says it all, in a way.Or not. First, it's not a "good" movie in the usual sense. Even if you hated Tarantino's, you have to admit it had high production standards. This however does not, and that's part of what makes it interesting. The soldiers are bad the way we imagine rebels from Vietnam were "bad," and of course this is a post-Vietnam movie in many ways, with lack of real accountability and lots of senseless bloodshed. I guess the title makes this clear, but if not, be warned.So why watch it? For it's irreverence (always healthy) and its odd mixture of period attitudes (none of that too-holy WWII cant here, even when a little might be in order, and there are some rock and rolling haircuts). You have to admit at some point this gang of males are little too male for a lot of tastes (like mine), but they hang together like miscreant frat boys on and off, and help each other survive, and so that's appealing even when it's absurd. It never gets sluggish, and you know what? They're Americans fighting Nazis. You know who to root for.You also need to get half way to see a major (and somewhat humorous) twist that gives the whole thing life. And then it accelerates and takes on a lot of flavor, as well as genuine heroism.Not bad at all. Give it a go, with all this in mind!