The Human Centipede (First Sequence)

2010 "Their flesh is his fantasy"
4.4| 1h31m| R| en| More Info
Released: 26 April 2010 Released
Producted By: Six Entertainment
Country: Netherlands
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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During a stopover in Germany in the middle of a carefree road trip through Europe, two American girls find themselves alone at night when their car breaks down in the woods. Searching for help at a nearby villa, they are wooed into the clutches of a deranged retired surgeon, who has a very disturbed vision.

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troypatrickb Let's just say the person who made up the ideas of this movie is mental and stupid. Who thinks of this?!?! The movie is just plain awful.
g_craddick So overall it was an okay film, there were some suspenseful parts but the way the overall plot played out and the way it was made kind of took away from that. If this would have been made with the same mindset as the Saw movies, this would have been one of the best of the decade. I feel like the actors were kind of forced into different situations when there was an obviously better choice laid in front of them. Especially when the cops arrive at the very end. When you have a search warrant, usually more than two cops arrive at the scene. Also, when the main cop opens the door and find the centipede, a real cop would have called for backup immediately and not left them there, even if he did hear some sort of distress from his co worker. That too was dumb, because the other cop had a gun, and the Dr. did not. Like hello...
Jithin K Mohan If someone making porn decided to make a sick and twisted movie it would be like this. The dialogues were so bad that I couldn't take anything serious at all. It was just sick for the sake of it. Films like A Serbian Film shouldn't be named in the same breath with this one. That film had a purpose and was technically sound unlike this garbage.
sushant-90119 I would have rated this movie below 0 if i could. This piece of s*** shouldn't have even been a movie. Plot is disturbing and stupid. The Acting of the 2 girls was terrible beyond anything. Dieter Laser acted surprisingly well as a twisted surgeon, but it still doesn't change the fact that this movie was dog s***. It just makes me angry that this movie has 2 sequels. Tom Six should be the one sewn to someones ass. This movie is a waste of money, time and can disturb your mind in a gory manner. If anyone likes this movie, he is twisted as f***.