The Great White of Lambarene

The Great White of Lambarene
6.7| 1h34m| en| More Info
Released: 26 April 1995 Released
Producted By: Canal+
Country: Gabon
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), the mission doctor, theologian and philosopher who founded a hospital in the rainforests of Gabon, achieved sainthood in his lifetime, at least in the popular imagination. The critical assessment of his life and works in recent years, however, has been slightly more ambivalent. Ba Kobhio Bassek is the first director to examine this medical missionary from a purely African point-of-view.

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nbott This film is superb and deeply moving. Andre Wilms, Marisa Berenson, Magalay Bertly and the rest of the cast give us deeply memorable acting performances drawing out the essence of the characters involved in this story. This film shows the complex nature of Dr. Schweitzer including his patronizing and arrogant attitude towards the Africans he is there to help and his deep devotion and love for them at the same time. You are forced to ask the question as to why people are missionaries. You are forced to ask why the colonial powers never appreciated the rich culture they were so intent on exploiting for their own ends. The script is simply one of those that make you feel good about spending the time watching the film. Check your local library if they provide films and see if you can find this film. It is excellent and highly recommended.