The Girls and Dad

The Girls and Dad
5.5| 0h10m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 08 August 1913 Released
Producted By: Nestor Film Company
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Dad has three charming daughters who fall in love with three eligible young men and moreover, promise to marry them, each couple selecting a perfectly lovely place for the proposal. All this while Dad has been courting Jennie. He proposes, too, and likewise he is accepted. They arrange to keep their engagement a secret. The boys all arrange to beard the lion in his den. Dad simulates a terrible rage and banishes them forever. The boys leave. The girls are in despair. They send for the boys to come and say good-bye. The boys are interrupted by the entrance of Dad and Jennie and are astonished to learn that the lady is to be their new mamma. The boys are allowed to replace the rings upon the girl's fingers once more, and general rejoicing is in order.

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Nestor Film Company

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