The Gathering Storm

7.4| 1h34m| G| en| More Info
Released: 22 April 2002 Released
Producted By: Scott Free Productions
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A love story offering an intimate look inside the marriage of Winston and Clementine Churchill during a particularly troubled, though little-known, moment in their lives.

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Scott Free Productions


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loschavez Just saw the DVD and I couldn't be more pleased.We all knew Albert Finney is a monumental star; not only in Brit cinema, but altogether on the screen. Ever since he was a young beau.Now in his elderly career he looms larger than most; and the role of Winnie proved easy as pie to this wonderful trouper. I have visited his beautiful estate, Chartwell. It's stupendous; here we see how he loved it. Meaning as well his love for the British Empire. The story of his unbelievable resurgence to power during the Gathering Storm that was apparent only to him, is certainly dramatic. That's the core of this triumphant role for Albert Finney.Finney's Churchill makes an entire era return to life again, such is the manic strength of his acting. He becomes Winston Churchill.Spoiler alert! All the rest of this cast help make it lovely and nostalgic; Linus Roache as Ralph Wigram and Lonnie Barker, playing Inches the faithful butler: Who isn't afraid to scratch back at his dominating master; a sweet spot of comic relief. I only found Vanessa Redgrave barely suitable for such an important role as Clementine the adored wife. While she was having affairs the Old Man was saving the world from Adolf Hitler. That probably casts her in a bad light, of course. The production and acting are outstanding; as we've become so used to in numerous British TV movies. To see Albert Finney at his apogee, watch The Gathering Storm!
lisamcolson What an incredible time in history to cover in a film. A lot of young people today really don't understand what an incredible gift was given to us by way of Mr. Churchill's vision and determination to defend against such a horrible man like Hitler. Had he not, what a different world we would be living in today.We've heard of Mr.Churchill and the famous speech during World War 2, but to get such an intimate view of the man himself, his family and the wonderful pride he had in England was inspiring. I wish there were more people like him in our world today. He wasn't afraid to speak out when the rest of the country wanted him to play along..and behave.Albert Finney was simply extraordinary in this film, as was Vanessa Redgrave. The whole cast was wonderful.I would highly recommend this film to all.
thunderer One of the best portrayals of Churchill ever. One only has to see the final scene to understand the man. It is late at night and Winston enters the Admiralty after being made First Lord (again) and years in the wilderness telling a deaf world of the coming evil. He introduces himself to the young Royal Marine on duty who acknowledges that he knows who he is and that a message went out to the fleet earlier that evening."Oh", Churchill asks "and what did it say?"The Marine answers, "Winston is back, sir"Churchill climbs the stairs, halts, removes his cigar and replies,"Yes, HE BLOODY WELL IS!
thomascapital I have read most of Mr. Churchill's writings (tens of thousands of pages) and he was the greatest leader of his day and perhaps in England's great history.The liberal/pacifist fools of the day (Stanley Baldwin/Chamberlin) and their attempts to placate Hitler, made Hitler whom he became, a ruthless and brutal thug. The League of Nations placated Hitler and allowed the Treaty of Versailles to be violated, repeatedly, until it had no weight or validity.Does any of this sound familiar today? Yes, the UN, the new league, has done nothing to stop brutal thugs throughout the globe; however, fools in America and abroad are still acting as if everything will be fine, if we just let these thugs be. Fool.The Movie was perfectly acted on all accounts, and Finney performed an Oscar worthy.