The Trost brothers bring on an overlong joke to the big screen collaging hip-culture, highlighting the ridiculousness of dance-offs and juxtaposing it with a "Karate Kid"/"Rocky"-copy paste scenario. In a quasi-dystopian future two rival gangs fight out dominance through dance fights held in the form of dance-stepping to a techno-based computer game Beat Beat Revolution (molded after the one-rampant DRR). While not featuring a single African-American character the slang involved is distinctly exaggerated gangsta with 'niggas' abundant and extrapolated word-play intent on pushing the required laugh buttons.While the gist of the joke itself may work pretty well in a short movie (originally "The FP" was actually a short feature) or even better as a spoof trailer, the full length feature is a tedious affair. Rarely funny, apart from some novelty laughs, it seeks to gain cult attention, instead falling flat. Overly self-serving and repetitive it lacks the natural absurd charm of the 1980s trash movies, thus failing to fall into the 'so-bad-its-good' category, while lacking enough ludicrous laughs to function as a comedy. The Trost brothers essentially try too hard to be bad, thus lacking a sense of natural crappiness of true lampoon genre movies.Ignoring the fact that a bunch of white boys attempting to ridicule hip-hop culture may seem a bit out-of-place, the joke falls as flat as Jason Trost's dancing (BTW Anyone expecting a bad movie with some nice dance moves will be sorely disappointed). In general the language utilised may be treated as a highlight, but unfortunately the directors probably had multitudes more fun scripting and filming the movie, than it actually is.
A ton of early 2000s humor that gets old 30minutes into the film. It would have been better had it come out during the DDR fancraze phase. The movie however looks amazing and the acting isn't bad. There just isn't enough substance to drag the movie out for 1.30hrs. It would have been better as a 30-45minute short. You'll chuckle at the absurdity of it and enjoy the costume designs, but it is a novelty film that quickly wears down your patience and attention span. This is a great movie to push the nostalgia button of any veteran DDR player. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else who doesn't understand the game and community. It really is an "inside joke" kind of movie.
It's hard for me to rate this movie because the creators CLEARLY knew what they were doing when they made this movie, unlike other "awful" movies such as Troll 2 where they actually attempted to make a good movie.And thing is, the FP succeeds completely in what they set out to do (where as other movies like Snakes on a Plane and The Expendables completely come up short in my eyes).It's just the perfect level of ridiculousness, not too much (you can never have too much with a movie like this) and certainly not too little. You have to ask yourself one question when watching this movie: Russel Crowe's Maximus said it best in the movie "The Gladiator":"ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED???!!!"And boy does this movie entertain you - from start to finish my eyes were glued to the screen, in semi-disbelief at what was unfolding. From the start - to the ending scene (which in my eyes was the director giving us a little "wink" saying "We knew what we were making") This movie is just non-stop entertainment.I suppose it isn't for everyone, but honestly if you have any sort of heart or soul at all I just can't see how you wouldn't fall in love with "The FP"I don't understand people that went into this movie expecting some serious film. Did they not see the previews? Warring clans that settle their disputes by having a DDR match to the Death? Just what the hell were you actually expecting when you picked up this movie?The movie delivers on all levels that it intended to, and for that I give this movie a PERFECT 10 out of 10. Never Ignorant, Getting' Goals Accomplished.
Frank Sanders
I love to get together with friends and watch the oddest assortment of films. To give an example some of our favorites include; Class of Nukem high, Hobo With a Shotgun, Street Trash, Dead End Drive-In and so on. The FP might just be the king of all those films. The acting beats them all, the look of the film rules them all and the camera work is better than it should be for such a small budget movie. The fact that no one broke character is what made this movie. Well that and the great writing and Stella performances. Whatever, just watch the damn movie already. If you haven't already had the desire to see it then you probably aren't they type of person that will get the movie. And you probably are lame.