The Final Patient

4.3| 1h40m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 05 August 2005 Released
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When retired physician Daniel Green (Bill Cobbs, Night at the Museum) lifts a 5-ton farm tractor off a boy trapped beneath, the enigma of his supernatural strength piques the curiosity of two med students passing through town. Visiting the old doctor at his isolated farmhouse, they soon learn his bizarre secret: he has uncovered the key to eternal youth. But sometimes the lust for immortality has deadly consequences. The night takes a twisted turn as the young men discover Dr. Green's "miracle" has come with a horrifying price - and a fate far worse than growing old.

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wdolphin81 I rented this movie with no knowledge of the film or the comments here only the brief summary on the back of the DVD. I was glued to the screen through out the entire movie. It drew me in got my interest, peaked my curiosity and then left me hanging. There were so many questions left unanswered that it makes me hope and want for a sequel or at least a website with the back stories. I hopped online as soon as it was over to try to find the answers that i so desperately wanted from the movie. Why was the doc killing himself when he knew the consequence of alchol? why was his wife so angry with the two guys? What happened to the one that did not make it? and on and on. I think another 15 minutes would have been sufficient to wrap up the loose ends. PLEASE LET US HAVE THE ANSWERS WE SEEK!!!
duckdive84 I saw this movie because of buzz I heard over the net and wanted to see for myself. The movie is very character driven rather then explosions and special effects rammed down your throat. It has a great plot and keeps you wondering about where each character stands throughout the movie. It almost has a twilight zone type feel, it has no problem keeping you on edge and guessing. The acting is top notch, Bill Cobbs is truly under rated as an actor and I believe this movie gave him the chance he needed to stretch his legs and take a lead role. Most of the other people in the movie I have not heard of but also impressed me throughout. This movie is one of the better I've seen in a while, I would check it out.
sonadow The Final Patient (Released as 'One Step Closer' in the UK) is a truly engrossing film and you will find yourself mesmerised by the storyline. I've watched several films like this and have always worked out quite early on how the film will end, but surprisingly The Final Patient will have you confused throughout. The movie has only around 10 actors and most of it revolves around Dr. Daniel Green's house and it's inhabitants. The only let down in my opinion was the ending, I feel as if this was rushed and wasn't as good as I hoped it would be. But other than that, superb acting by Cobbs and I definitely suggest you rent this out.
ineedthebeach2 This movie was not only scary, but well executed. BIll Cobbs, Alex Feldman, and Jason Scott Campbell's chemistry added to making the whole story truly believable. Subtle hints throughout the movie explain the outcome of the movie, but of course, many of them are missed until you go back and think about what has happened. There were also some comedic scenes, such as in the bar, and the cocky behavior of Alex, (one of the medical students), as well as the conversations among the bar patrons, that will make you chuckle. The patrons in the sleepy little town where the movie was filmed, seems to be stuck in the seventies... or perhaps, its just small town America. The two college students are certainly a rude awakening to what America has become. A society with its main focus on money, success and greed. You will be taken by surprise as the events of this movie unfold. The story is well crafted and intriguing. Bill Cobbs is at his best!