The Eylandt Investigation

2008 "Following November, you will see the world with different eyes..."
The Eylandt Investigation
5.5| 1h22m| en| More Info
Released: 06 November 2008 Released
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Country: Germany
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The New York lawyer Willam Singer receives three letters, that his father's cousin from Germany wrote to him over the last 5 decades, describing, that she hosted three people in her cellar for more than 60 years. Singer tries to find out, if she wrote the truth.

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dima-645-290438 I've read about this crazy UFO-story in any newspaper and ordered the DVD immediately. The producers would have made more money with some more advertising and less disinformation, but they didn't, and that makes them outstanding. The movie is fresh, different and remembers me to Rainer Erler's "Delegation" from the 70s. I'll give the movie a full thumb up, if you're interested in movies you must see it, it's entertaining and suspenseful. I can't agree with the other review. It's an independent low budget movie with a very nice idea and a fresh and different realization. The actors are not worth an academy award, but this supports the "documentary style". But it seems, that for some people the movie works, for others not. Try to see it is my recommendation!
gero-nissen I just watched this movie with a bunch of friends. And I actually laughed really hard, as did most of the people in the audience (the ones that did not leave, that is), but that's not the point. The film takes itself seriously. The acting is terrible, the "documentary-hand-camera-look" is unnerving. It was funny, but it didn't aim for that. Me and my friends agree that this could be the worst movie we ever saw. It's just ridiculously bad. It's a pseudo documentary, so some "experts" are "interviewed". Their "expert opinions" are just sad excuses, most of them don't make sense. The back story is as unbelievable as the "highlights", everything is just cheap. If you really want to watch this, I recommend getting a lot of friends with you and prepare for the worst movie you've ever seen.