I've watched a couple thousand horror/sci-fi movies over the years, so I have to laugh when I read reviews like many that are posted here......"worst movie ever" they say, but this is miles from that. I can GUARANTEE that these people bashing "Evil Woods" have NEVER seen "Alien 3000", "Carnivore" or the staggering "Night Train To Terror", which would leave rug burns on their chins, from their jaws dropping so hard to the floor! "Evil Woods" will not ever make it into the AFI 100, but it was well shot, well edited, had no continuity problems, had good sound recording (no hiss, or dogs barking or airplanes overhead), and BEST of all, these seemed like genuine teens....not hard-bodied, silicone-loaded supermodels, like most other cheap horror films. And if the lead guy seemed 'over the top' with his constant mouthing-off and sunglasses, I have to admit to you, that he WAS identical to my college roommate in my Freshman year.....I'm not kidding. There really are people like that out there. So take it easy, movie-bashers....a chili pepper is the hottest thing you've ever eaten, UNTIL you chomp on a habanero pepper. So get over it! Go watch "Godmonster of Indian Flats" and THEN tell me if Evil Woods is the "worst movie ever".....and to any cast or film-makers who read this.....you did very good for the budget. Don't listen to them.
If you want to learn about film-making, you should watch this awful movie, you'll see horrible film-making and learn a lot.For example, why in the holy hell was the camera up the nose of every actor? Every scene, every shot, the camera was all up in their grills.And, hello...makeup?! Like other reviews have mentioned - these people are ugly! UG-LY! Some standard movie make-up would have helped at least a little bit, but its so obvious whoever maxed out their credit cards and blackmailed a distributor to get this film made and released had no idea what in the hell they were doing.There is nudity in this film, but holy hell, trust me you probably don't want to see it. Ugly girls, one who looks like a butch lesbian. Now, the one that looked like a lesbian kind of had a nice body, but once her and her friend got naked, it really wasn't all that nice too look at. And the plot/acting/etc ... ??? Uh...yea, I just am not going to try to even understand how the hell were supposed to believe people act like this.
It's always the worst movies they've ever seen. How many movies have they watched besides Lethal Weapon 1,2,3 and 4 ? I swear to God, they haven't watched Ax'em, Sorority Sister Slaughter or Comatose.This wasn't so terrible, except for the fact that the killings do not start until very late in the movie. But it leaves room for some atmosphere and style by a promising director. I was rarely THAT relieved when one of the leads, an ultra-annoying misogynist, pig of a 30-year old teen got his demise first. Oh God, I so wanted him to die. Pretty much all characters in this movie deserve to die, including the whining final girl. Had I been her (very cute, by the way) boyfriend, I would have axed her myself. Slow, but interesting.
I am a big movie fan.I get through four or five a week, from romances to slasher films to Japanese cultural moveis that make me wonder if someone has injected me with crack they make so little sense.I watch anything.The most important thing to remember is I have watched some rubbish. And I mean bad.Films so terrible they should stink when they come out of the box.I have sat through them for two, three hours. Bizarre Russian films made in the Stalin era, offensive films, films with a budget of $9.99.You get the picture right......I lasted, according to my DVD timer, 14.33 seconds before I turned this off and quietly started weeping at just how bad it was.