The Dwarf in China

8.9| 0h52m| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 2014 Released
Producted By: Fiet View
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A dwarf, a dragon, and a golden egg. Yet the real fairy-tale of this film is the journey of Jeanmarie, the Dutch street performer. In an adventurous project, Jeanmarie teams up with youth worker Frank to travel through the last remaining untouched regions of China, performing his new show to local children. As they transport their wondrous music machine from village to village, they bring laughter and intrigue to all who witness their magical performance, reuniting reality with fantasy, Europe and Asia. In a film as imaginative and whimsical as Jeanmarie's play itself, this is a poignant tale of passion and conviction to follow and fulfil your dreams.

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Fiet View


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mastropicalmusic This touching and timeless documentary centers around an artist and his dreams. The drive, commitment and dreams of protagonist Jean Marie come to life in a transcontinental adventure that has a single objective: achieving his dreams. The setting is remarkable too: a Western person re-invigorating the Chinese countryside with some folklore. Idiosyncratic, whimsical yet at the same time imbued with Dutch/Frisian functionality- this movie is highly recommended for those that dare to dream. Another key theme centers around inter generational friendship. The relationship between Jean-Marie and Frank is complex and interesting at the same time and has all the hallmarks of a multifaceted, deeply emotional yet superficially mundane relationship as any.
joycehelsloot Great to see how the (Chinese) kids react on JeanMarie! That's so touching. Inspiring he did follow his dreams. And that kids all over the world love it so much. I really like the themes about father and son in it too.It's such a unique story which I would've never known without this film.Love to see the Chinese culture, especially the parts that aren't too touristic.Also really great music.Is is possible to book JeanMarie & Frank? I'd like more! More! Must watch.Greetings