The Dragon Murder Case

The Dragon Murder Case
6.3| 1h7m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 25 August 1934 Released
Producted By: First National Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Wonderful idea to give a party with people who dislike each other. Late at night, everyone decides to go into the pool, except Stamm, who is drunk. Montague dives in as does Greeff and Leland, but only Greeff and Leland come out. Montague is no where to be found so Leland suspects foul play and calls the cops. Luckily, Philo is with the D.A. and comes along, but they do not find Montague. When they drain the pool the next day, they find nothing except what looks like dragon prints. Philo has his suspicions and tries to piece the clues together to find out what has happened.

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JohnHowardReid Copyright 22 September 1934 by First National Pictures, Inc. Presented by First National Pictures and The Vitaphone Corp. Released through Warner Bros Pictures. New York opening at the Rialto: 22 August 1934. U.S. release: 25 August 1934. U.K. release: 26 January 1935. Australian release: 26 December 1934. Sydney opening at the Regent — Hoyts flagship cinema — as the main feature Christmas attraction. 7 reels. 68 minutes. SYNOPSIS: During a night swim in the so-called "dragon pool" at the Stamm estate, the Stamm girl's fiancé disappears.NOTES: Number 6 of the 15-picture "Philo Vance" series. COMMENT: Both "The Kennel Murder Case" and "The Dragon Murder Case" were mighty popular movies in their day, in America, England and Australia. This is understandable. The first starred crowd-crowned king, William Powell, the second coasted to glory on the success of the first. Although Kennel has the reputation, I found Dragon a much more pleasing film. Firstly, because the mystery proved not only more intriguing and bizarrely exotic, but the solution as to the killer was resolved in such an ingeniously simple yet brilliantly concealed manner.Secondly, heretic as I am, I preferred Humberstone's direction to the more critically praised Curtiz's. This is not a general statement. I believe Curtiz had an off month on Kennel, whereas Lucky was at the top of his form with Dragon. Ditto Tony Gaudio's wonderfully moody photography versus the rather over-bright (at least in the print under review) work of William Reese.Thirdly, the acting: William Powell, as usual, makes his Nick Charles — pardon me, Philo Vance — a debonair study of affable, if somewhat patronizing charm; whilst Warren William, as usual, makes his Perry Mason — pardon me, Philo Vance — a debonair study of sarcastic, gruffly affable and considerably condescending charm. Frankly, I prefer Mr. William, but I will admit it's entirely a matter of personal taste. As for the girls, I'll take Margaret Lindsay any day, whilst Helen Lowell does more than justice to the colorful role of the mad Mrs. Stamm. And speaking of the Stamms, Robert Barrat's impersonation of the outrageously drunken head of the clan is far more convincing than Kennel's outraged lover. Both Kennel and Dragon feature an ingratiating line-up of favorite cameo players. Dragon boasts William B. Davidson (in a decent-sized role, for once), good old George E. "42nd Street" Stone, plus that wonderfully suave cad, George Meeker. Of course, heartily bluff, wheezily argumentative Eugene Palette makes his bulky presence felt in both movies.
dougdoepke Despite the many unfavorable reviews, the first 15 minutes of this programmer are exotic and memorable. Take a look at the impressive outdoor set that places the nightmarish swimming pool in front of the majestic stairway leading up to the mansion's front door. All are full-size components of a single sound stage creation (listen for the echo), unusual for a movie of this type. Now, it's hard for me to believe that First National (Warner Bros.) would go to the trouble and expense for a series B- picture like this. But however that may be, the result is unusually atmospheric, particularly the eerie pool where any kind of mutant creature might be growing amid the ugly murk.Then there are the stylishly dressed party guests, a good look at high fashion, circa 1934. How the guest-suspects react to the fighting fish battling to the death in the mansion's many aquariums is how we get to know them. It's an offbeat idea that also shows how the mansion's inside is as strange as its outside. And when one of the guests mysteriously vanishes in the haunted pool, thanks to the weird build-up, I was ready to believe that the legendary dragon had gotten him.At that point, however, the screenplay collapses into a routine who-dun-it, and a not very coherent one, at that. Note how little interaction there is among the suspects after the murder. In fact, the comely Margaret Lindsey almost disappears until the end. Most of the dialogue goes to humorous throw-away lines from the froggish Sergeant Heath (Palette) and the raspy Dr. Doremus (Girardot). Nor, for that matter, does director Humberstone show any imagination in developing the characters or the initial atmosphere. Even the usually forceful Warren William seems uninterestingly subdued. Too bad a more stylish director and less pedestrian screenwriter didn't get hold of the material first. That way maybe we would have gotten more than just a promising start.
Neil Doyle Not bad at all. This is an interesting tale, although the characters are strictly stereotypes and all of them used as red herrings to leave the solution nowhere in sight until you start thinking about how the story started. Then--a glimmer of light--and you've guessed it.WARREN WILLIAM makes an affable, bright, know-it-all Philo Vance, who seems to have a background in everything, including exotic fish from the orient. But how he reaches his scientific answer to the crime is a bit implausible--as is the whole plot involving the legend of a deadly dragon living in the dragon pool.MARGARET LINDSAY looks lovelier than ever in the film's leading femme role, LYLE TALBOT is well cast as her love interest, and EUGENE Palette gets to do some comedy relief that's a welcome contrast to Vance's superior attitude. GEORGE E. STONE does his usual schtick as one of the wealthy guests at the mansion where all the action takes place and ROBERT BARRAT is interesting as one of the suspects.Summing up: Pleasant programmer passes the time in an entertaining way.Trivia note: The IMDb processor refuses to let me spell Eugene Palette's name correctly. There should be two "ll"s in his last name.
MartinHafer In the 1930s and 40s, there were a long series of detective films such as THE SAINT, CHARLIE CHAN, BOSTON BLACKIE and many others. One of the lesser series that never really seemed to hit its stride was the Philo Vance series. Much of the reason the series never really caught on was perhaps because several different actors played Vance (such as William Powell, Paul Lukas, Basil Rathbone and several no-name actors). In this early Philo Vance film, Warren William plays the sleuth. As a result, it seems very much like one of the Lone Wolf films--another detective series that starred William just a few years later. As a B-movie, its budget was relatively small and the film has very modest pretensions. Unlike some of these style films, Vance had no sidekick but there was, of course, a stupid detective--this time in the form of the wonderful character actor Eugene Palette--who was wonderful as the befuddled and slightly daffy cop. In addition, Robert Warwick played a cute small part as a coroner with some of the best lines in the movie!As for the mystery, it's not one of the better ones in the genre because I figured out who the murderer was before it even occurred. This is NOT a good sign for a detective film! By the way, I didn't figure it out because I am some genius (my kids remind me all the time that I am not), but because it just was too easy to figure out at the onset.Still, despite there not being a lot of mystery, the film moves at a brisk pace and is a decent and watchable film of the genre. If you're a fan of this style of film, then this is a must-see--otherwise, there is better entertainment out there if you look!