The Dirt Gang

The Dirt Gang

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2.9| 1h29m| en| More Info
Released: 01 November 1972 Released
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Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A film crew shooting in the desert is terrorized by a vicious outlaw motorcycle gang (on dirt bikes, no less) who are after the women in the company.

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daviddaveinternational I haven't seen this movie...yet. I will try to bring it up on the computer and view. I read the reviews and have some comments. One gentleman asked "What kind of bikers ride Husqvarnas?" I'll answer, "Smart bikers?" If a one-percenter is going to terrorize on a dirt bike in 1972, there isn't (or wasn't) a better the time. It's not too easy to wrestle around a 700 pound Harley in the dirt, gang. Look at "Hells Angles '69" They all ditched their "hogs' to rent (or stole) dirt bikes. Of course, Sonny, the Prez, chose a Triumph. Off road, a kid on a moped could out-run any "Bro" on a Harley. I noticed another guy who commented collects "cheap biker movies" as I call them. So do I. I have a small collection and am always looking for more. If you want to chat about our "cheap biker movies" contact me at [email protected] I'll try to bring up this movie tonight and watch it. I just wrote a book about growing up in So. Cal. riding dirt bikes with my friends in the '60's, '70's and '80's. I titled it, "The Dirt Gang" in honor of this cheap movie. Anyone interested in reading it, contact me and I'll send it via computer. It's 176 pages with lots of vintage pictures.
Don Randolph I agree that this flick barely warrants removing it from the reel canister, but nowadays we have videotape and DVDs. I picked this one up to add to my collection of "biker" films and it fits the bill. The main focus of the movie is motorcycle riding rebels who just want to tear up the town (or in this case, movie set). The interesting thing is that they aren't riding the typical choppers and wearing cut-off denim jackets. No, it's dirt bikes, helmets and leather pants for these guys. Typical plot, typical amateur acting and typical 70's cinematography. But, a film that biker film addicts will enjoy. Watch for the two character actors you have seen a hundred times before.
motograndprix This had to be the WORST lowlife biker film of ALL TIME! I love it!!!! I saw it one night on Speed Channel (the Speedvision). Some midnight show I think. All I remember is that is was a bunch of outlaw bikers on motocross bikes...MOTOCROSS BIKES!!!! I mean what kind of outlaw biker rides a Husqvarna? I also recall that it was very graphic sexually, which makes it even cheezier. These guys pitched a tent in the desert and raped women, I think? This may be the singular worst film ever made. That is why is must be released ASAP. Please release this on DVD so I can have a bad movie night party!
bbbaldie I saw this piece of junk at a drive-in (now storage sheds) back when I was 14 years old. I had to hide in the back floorboard of my brother's car. Anyhow, what a great website IMDB is to not only LIST this movie, but to actually have user votes and comments! I mean not more than 500 people could have even WATCHED this horrible thing, ferpetessake.Thanks, guys, and keep up the good work!