It upsets me when people leave reviews for films when the following conditions apply: 1. They only watched a portion of the film. (Even a chipmunk can do something consistently for up to 2 hours. Besides, an opinion on a portion of a film is pretty much comparable to answering yes or no to half a question.) 2. They are deeply upset by the fact that the ending wasn't completely spelled out, tied with a bow and presented to them with an accompanying pamphlet answering any questions that may linger in the vaporous cavern that sits between their two ears. (Spoiler Alert: most things in life worth experiencing don't make perfect sense, follow a predetermined path or come with instructions. Some aren't even all that pleasant when they are occurring, but end up putting a slight detour in your life map that maybe saves the future you.) Having said all that, this is a circular curse movie with a Japanese horror element and some twists and turns. I've seen much worse movies and much better. It was watchable, and at times intriguing. Favorite line: Q: "Where are you from?" A: "Geographically or Philosophically?"
Sometimes I watch a movie because I'm doing something else that's fairly dull and want a little action. That was my reason for watching "Devil's Mile" on Amazon. Adjusting from 5 scale on Amazon to 10 scale on IMDb, the viewers there are giving it a 7.2. Now that I've seen it, I have to agree.The standard creepy elements are all there. This film isn't breaking any new ground, but then that's never stopped people from making and watching movies before. There are even things I was predicting that showed up as expected. It's actually when the female leads get talking seriously that the story moves along. There's a creepy dude that shows up in what seem like flashbacks. He only really begins to make sense to the story when you get near the end... and I did not predict the end.This movie simply is not as bad as the overall ratings make it out to be. But then, consider the limited number of reviews this film has had.
Granted, this is not one of the greatest Indie horror films out there, but I actually found this one to be a pleasant surprise. I began it on the premise that it might end up being another cliché style film ripping off Jacob's Ladder like the dreadful film Dead End. Instead, what we have is actually a bit of an original twist to a tale that has been overdone a thousand times. I could not count how many films and even short stories I have read where the hapless drivers end up in serious trouble when trying to take a shortcut off of the beaten path.In this plot, we have three criminal kidnappers and two victims who pass a mysterious station before venturing down an endless nightmare highway.While some parts of it are predictable, the ending for me was a surprise twist with the main character and some credits to me are warranted for originality here.The actors were pretty decent in their roles and they special effects were not that bad for an Indie Film. Granted, this is not the work of some Master of Horror but for a boring Sunday afternoon, I found myself satisfied with it.
Oh the genre of horror! There is no other genre of film that can lead to such profound disappointment, especially for fans like myself. Every year there are hundreds of so called "horror" films made around the world. Unfortunately of those hundreds of films it seems only 4 or 5 will be worth watching. Really scary! The kind of film that makes you jumpy for a couple of weeks after seeing it. While you take a shower you wonder if when you open your eyes after rinsing off the shampoo you'll see a silhouette on the other side of the shower curtain. Or after you start your car at night you'll see another set of eyes in your rear view mirror. They make you hyper aware of every sound in your apartment or house as you close you eyes to go to sleep.This is not one of those films.If you are not at all a horror film watcher & prefer movies like Ice Age or Nut Thief or whatever that recent Pixar film is called then this film might, **just might**, seem scary to you. Maybe. You'd have to scare pretty easily though.I'm giving this movie at least 2 stars because the premise is a good one. Pretty original really. Some kidnappers take a short cut on a highway that turns out to be the highway to hell! The kidnapping gets botched and innocent people die. They are forced to confront their actions by supernatural forces bent on exacting revenge. Well, sort of. It get's really really, muddled near the end. In fact by the end it doesn't make any since at all.And when I say "it doesn't make any since at all" I don't mean that in the "it got all weird and artsy" sense so you have to figure it out way, no, I simply mean it seems like the writers gave up and said "F**K it, End it, we're running out of cocaine and Jules said he will be out of contact after 6pm"....but then one of the interns had a couple of bumps so they kept writing for like 30 minutes and came up with the brilliant ending that you really shouldn't waste any of your life waiting for.I'm not discouraging you from watching this film. I'm just saying if after you've watched it for 41 minutes and find yourself asking "Is this ever going to get any better?" The answer is NO. It only gets worse,