The Dentist 2

1998 "Brace yourself!"
4.8| 1h38m| R| en| More Info
Released: 11 December 1998 Released
Producted By: Trimark Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Dr. Feinstone escapes from the mental hospital where he has been held ever since his wife's adultery sent him on a deranged killing spree. Hoping to resume a normal life, he makes his way to a quiet Midwestern town and establishes himself in a new practice under an assumed name. Things are starting to look up for Dr. 'Caine' – that is, until the day he catches his new love in the arms of someone else. As before, the impact of romantic betrayal sends him over the edge into madness and murder, with his unfortunate patients once again bearing the brunt of his hostility.

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Platypuschow In 1996 we were introduced to our psychotic dentist played by Corbin Bernsen, a man drove insane by the stresses of his job and catching his wife blowing the pool boy.Two years later he breaks free from the asylum, switches state, changes his name and starts all over again.But before you know it his inner darkside is unleashed and he torments his victims in the way that only he can.This is a slight improvement on the first but still not exactly impressive stuff. The one standout thing that it does have is just how grisly and hard to watch the death scenes are. I mean seriously, it's pretty bad.Harmless enough watch for fans of the original but as a franchise its hardly worth the effort especially as part 3 was cancelled.The Good: Direct sequel The Bad: Not the easiest of viewing Things I Learnt From This Movie: I may never go to the dentist again
milosprole9 Since the first one was an excellent and entertaining film, this sequel called The Dentist 2 (1998) was just solid. It is definitely more of the same as the original, but it only has some worse things. The story is pretty good, it's about that the dentist falls in love with girl, girl finds another guy, the dentist takes a revenge. The effects are good too. I really didn't feel for the patients, all of them aren't likable. The best part of this movie is when the dentist said "I did it. I'm a dentist. I'm the best damn dentist there ever was." lol. I've heard that some people hated the ending, but I actually liked it. Overall, it's still a solid movie, but not as good as the first one.7/10.
ossray2000 If you liked The Dentist, you won't like The Dentist II. The first one, for me, was interesting, entertaining, and had some good old fashioned gratuitous violence. The sequel falls well short of the first movie, with far few cool death scenes, mostly terrible acting, and a stupid plot. The gist of the plot is that the same crazy dentist tried to leave his other life behind and start over again in a small town. But, oh, what do you know, he ends up becoming the local dentist and goes crazy again. Then there's some stupid subplot with a private investigator trying to track him down. Normally I'd be fine with that but there is a terrible lack of the same "dental torture" we were treated to in The Dentist. It had plenty of cool ways for him to torture people and had a much more basic and enjoyable plot. The Dentist II's torture scenes are few and far between. It's the only reason I watched the second one because the first one was entertaining enough. This one just misses its mark. The only reason I didn't give this a 1 is because Corbin Bernsen is kind of funny in his role. That's about the only thing that's worth it. Most of the death scenes are boring, slow-developing, with little to no payoff. Woo. Don't bother with this one. Watch something more entertaining like Ax'em.
ocundale I found this film plot-less and plain boring. There was no storyline whatsoever and the only good thing about this film is the humour, which wasn't very frequent. The film is meant to be a horror and Teletubbies would be more frightening than this!