The Death of Superman

2018 "Witness the day Metropolis stood still"
7.3| 1h21m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 24 July 2018 Released
Producted By: Warner Bros. Animation
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When a hulking monster arrives on Earth and begins a mindless rampage, the Justice League is quickly called in to stop it. But it soon becomes apparent that only Superman can stand against the monstrosity.

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fcabanski There's nothing new in this story, and there's nothing old done better than it was done before. There is a bore fest with 0 real action until the half way mark - 40 minutes of a weak love story, boring conversations, tired superheroes train in a simulator, and superheroes act like 16 year olds.There was a scene in JL Unlimited in which Batman easily saw through Clay Face pretending to be Flash. Batman knew it wasn't really Flash because Clay Face was hamming it up too much, taking Flash's personality too far.Not only is Flash that same caricature - Flash gone too far - in this movie, but Aquaman and GL act like Flash gone too far too. Is this really a spoiler since everyone knew it would happen - Superman dies with the final, killing blow to Doomsday. Gee, we haven't seen that before.It seems Doomsday's greatest power is in boring audiences to death. We get it, he's tough, and he's tough, and he's tough, and he's tough, and tough...Good grief, come up with something original, new.The voice acting is wooden.The animation is pathetic.Avoid this at all costs. You can't go in there, watching it. It will bore you to death.
DarthPaul85 In 2007 we got an animated film covering the full Doomsday/return of superman saga. For some reason, I guess DC wanted to do it again. The good- the film looks very good; the animation is great, the drawings are detailed, and the characters have their authentic look from the comics. The fight scenes are also quite good, and make the battles epic without going into Man of Steel level carnage. The presentation of Doomsday is also top-notch, he's never felt more dangerous or unstoppable. The "graphic" violence adds a degree of danger, but I wouldn't oversell it- anyone over the age of 11 has probably seen worse on network television. Also, lots of nice little touches to the world, like people trying to take selfies with Superman, give this film a little more character.The middle- the voice acting left me cold. Nothing is too bad (although Rain Wilson is kind of hammy as Lex Luthor, which I didn't like). Superman and the rest certainly have conviction, but the dialogue doesn't really stand out. The script is also a bit simplistic- generally kind of blah and predictable. The bad- the pacing is inconsistent. The film takes *forever* to get to "the good stuff," and the time before that is not exactly captivating. They're trying to build suspense and world-build and everything, but we already know what Doomsday is and what he's going to do! The subplot about Clark and Lois also didn't do much for me- the overall point of it was fine, but the pacing just dragged it out too much. In this regard, the 2007 film wins out. That film was much more "cartoony," but it had quick pacing and covered twice as much material in less time. So basically, we have a more "adult" version of the Doomsday story (but not the entire story). What the film adds in production values and fighting choreography, it lacks in pacing and originality. Although the 2007 film was less popular, I'd much rather watch the 2007 one again, as it was more entertaining, had better pacing, and tells the entire story in less time than this film.
madushamuthusinghe This is a good animation movie.But it doesn't stands tall to the level of Justice League Flashpoint Paradox.There was lot of actions throughout the movie.Good use of character of Superman as well as doomsday too.The ending was little bit controversial but this was good movie to watch.
schwartzariel10 The Death of Superman is a story-line that Warner bros. And DC have over used in the last decade and a little bit, back in 2007 DC released "Superman:Doomsday" which is based off the same story and that was definitely a great movie. 9 years later in 2016 they adapted that story-line in live action for the first time in 2016 with the ending to Batman Vs Superman:Dawn of Justice where Doomsday shows up and spoiler alert kills Superman and that definitely was not done well. Now in 2018, DC's newest animated venture adapts that same story-line in the Death of Superman, but the fact that it's been done before doesn't hinder the movie at all,in fact it is probably the best version of the story adapted to movies. Don't get me wrong Superman:Doomsday is really good and I still think it's great but The Death of Superman has actually surpassed that movie as the best version of this movie. One of the things this movie does so well that say ... Batman Vs Superman doesn't, is it makes you actually care about the actual death of Superman. we all know that he's gonna come back in a year but the reason it's still really emotional is because characters like lois and bibbo and his parents don't know that, and think he is dead and is never coming back. which also wouldn't matter if those relationships were not developed throughout the movie and they definitely were extremely well which makes you actually feel something when Superman dies and I gotta say It actually was a very emotional death scene when he died and I think a big reason for that is they showed how superman actually was a beacon of hope to metropolis and how metropolis loved him and on top of that Superman is a really 3-dimensional compelling character and an excellent version of the character. so much so when he died it was emotional which is insane because you know he's gonna come back,which is basically the exact thing that happens in Infinity War although to a much smaller and less emotional way but still it's very similar. But yeah I give huge props to this movie for developing everything so that when the title actually happens and Superman dies you actually feel something more so than in Superman:Doomsday and way more so than in Bvs.This movie had a lot of set up for the sequel but not to the point where it was obnoxious,in fact it was the exact opposite whenever one of the other 4 supermen showed up like Hank Henshaw,Superboy,the eradicator and steel it was a pretty awesome how they subtly set up the sequel in the background,that's something I really liked about this movie.Considering a big part about this story is the fight between Doomsday and Superman as well as the justice league,the action has to be great and the death of superman does not disappoint the action in this movie is bad-ass,it's amazingly animated and choreographed if that's how animated fight scenes work,i don't know. but the action and the fight scenes specifically Doomsday Vs Superman was awesome and doomsday fighting the justice league was pretty awesome as well.So I've been praising the hell out of this movie, but there is one thing that I don't like and that is Lex Luthor. Mainly because his voice acting was straight up terrible,that voice actor just didn't fit the role at all and because of that whenever he showed up he kinda took away from the movie.9.5/10