The Death Factory: Bloodletting

4.3| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 07 May 2008 Released
Producted By: Ominous Productions
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A horror film about a group of online deviants who are invited to an abandoned factory to witness a bloodletting, an event displaying the torture and murder of an innocent person.

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riff-18 Other reviews make out this is a very poor movie. It is actually not bad at all, especially for late night viewing. From the outset people are trapped in a confined place with something bad living there. The acting is OK and the setting did not need a billion dollars spent on it to get the ambiance right. The only downside is the gore moments are not clearly seen which saves on special effects costs i guess (just use your imagination instead). The best thing about the movie is you never really know whats going to happen next which is a refreshing change from many films today. Kind of like watching the original zombie movies way back in time where you had no way of knowing what the weird thing is capable of next. There are some twists along the way too.
capkronos DEATH FACTORY (2002) was a super-cheap shot-on-video effort from Brad Sykes that starred Scream Queen Tiffany Shepis as a woman exposed to some kind of chemical who turned into a white-faced, S&M clad, zombie-like killing machine (obviously copied from RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD III) who stalked teenagers in an abandoned factory. Though mildly watchable, the film didn't make much of a ripple of the indy horror scene and isn't very well known, so it's a surprise to see that someone even bothered to make a sequel.Hard-edged Ana Romero (Claudia Vargas) is a depressed junkie looking for revenge against the killer(s) of her young daughter; who ended up starring in some sick pervert's snuff tape. The footage somehow ended up online on a website catering to criminals, killers and degenerates. Ana has spent the last two years infiltrating the group to find out where the tape came from and who made it. Through the site, she finds out about a special event called "The Bloodletting;" where for two thousand dollars site members can witness someone being murdered before their very eyes. Since the man she suspects of killing her little girl will be there, Ana decides to attend the event so she can bust a cap in his ass.After passing a frisking (having tucked a gun and bullets safely away ... in her vagina!) she's thrown into a van and shipped off to a brick-making plant where she meets a bunch of sickos from the site; a white supremacist who likes rape and snuff films (Shane Dean), a black pimp (Kareem McRoy), a blonde hooker (Jeanna Coker), a kinky goth chick (Nadine) who walks her slave (Joth Andrews) around on a leash, a fat pedophile (David C. Hayes) and a nerdy budding terrorist (Josh Bingenheimer). Little do they know but they've actually been lured there under false pretenses by religious fanatic Denny (Noah Todd), who wants to punish them for being degenerates and make a little money on the side by making a snuff video of it. Denny doesn't even have to get his hands dirty since he's the brother of Alexa, the mutant killer from the first film. Alexa (Michelle Mousel) has steel claws, metal teeth, is dressed in some kind of leather harness/bikini outfit and needs injections of some kind of special chemical to keep her alive. For what it is, nudity and blood quotients are all adequately met, the leading lady gives a decent enough performance, the film starts out strongly, there are a few decent twists here and there and it all looks a hell of a lot more professional than the first.The film's undoing comes at the hands of a director who seems to have been badly influenced by nearly every single hack horror filmmaker currently flooding the market with their dreary torture-filled, heavy metal-soundtracked, shakycam-riddled, cliché-ridden crap. The premise of people paying to see someone getting killed in a secret facility is obviously copied from HOSTEL. The jittery camera-work and bursts of metal music during nearly every single kill scene is swiped directly from the SAW series. When the characters are first introduced, their names and nicknames, along with their deviant interests, are written out on the screen exactly as it's done in FEAST. There's also numerous pointless freeze frames which Rob Zombie uses in nearly all of his films. I know imitation is supposed to be the sincerest form of flattery, but why anyone would go out of their way to copycat so many mediocre films and filmmakers shows a general lack of taste, as well as talent.
Paul Andrews The Death Factory Bloodletting starts as a woman named Alexa (Michelle Mousel) prepares for the experience of a lifetime, using contacts on the hardcore underground website Goremaster she has paid to be witness to what is called a 'bloodletting'. Basically someone is murdered while a group of select individuals get to watch, along with Alexa there's an anarchist, S&M fetishists, a slave trader & a kiddie porn lover. They have all been taken to an abandoned brick making factory where the bloodletting is due to take place but little do they realise that it's a trap & some religious nut & his dwarf nephew have set up, using a mutant female creature with metal claws to kill the various whores, deviants & sinners justice will be served...Co-photographed, co-written, co-produced & directed by Sean Tretta this is a pretty crap low budget horror film, although Tretta made Death Factory (2002) several years earlier The Death Factory Bloodletting isn't a sequel as far as I could tell since the whole story of the mutant creature is different as is the plot & the events of the original are never mentioned or even hinted at. The script feels like a Saw II (2005) rip-off in which a groups of sinners are trapped in some building getting killed off one by one by some Jigsaw style orchestrator who speaks to them through loudspeakers. Unfortunately that's where the comparisons with Saw II ends as there's no traps, clever plot twists or inventive kills as there's just this female woman with sharp claws running around killing them off teen slasher style. Another problem with The Death Factory Bloodletting are the horrible character's, they are all so unlikable you want them to die & don't care for them at all which is a problem because a film really needs some sort of central character to emphasise with. There's also some mention of snuff films & underground websites where anything goes but it's not effective, disturbing or thought provoking in the slightest & in fact the Nicholas Cage thriller 8MM (1995) did a much better, seedier & memorable job of delving into the taboo subject matters raised. Death Factory Bloodletting is boring, extremely predictable, overlong, poorly written rubbish that tries to be extreme & but ends up rather tame with little more than some fake blood being splashed on walls.The gore levels are pretty tame here, all the attacks consist of slashing & clawing with some blood splashing on a nearby wall. There are no actual gore effects here to speak of. There's a little nudity with some bare breasts but nothing you will remember. There are no scares either with no build up to anything that happens.Filmed in Phoenix in Arizona in an old factory this looks cheap because it was cheap. The acting sucks right across the board & why did the two best looking birds have to be the first to die? The Death Factory Bloodletting is a terrible low budget horror film that feels like a boring Saw II that tries to use controversial subject matter to shock even more but it all comes across as rubbish & very tame frankly. Heres hoping a third Death Factory film never gets made.
dbborroughs Mother of a girl who was brutally murdered and who's final moments were posted on line tracks the person responsible to a website called Gorehouse. Going there she meets a variety of sick twisted people who are out to witness a bloodletting first hand. unaware that they are merely fodder for a religious nut with a mission from god and twisted female with sharp teeth as a killing machine. A good start peters out as the film becomes a long winded talk fest. Certainly some of imagery is intriguing in a fetishistic gory sort of way but the film almost instantly runs out of steam once all of the people are brought together for the bloodletting. I just didn't care what anyone had to say. Occasionally we get moments when the film springs back to life, usually involving the sharp toothed girl but mostly this is a talky tease that becomes boring. I tried to hang in there but there was a point when my attention began to wander and I began to do things while I watched the film. I kept hoping that something would attract my attention but it never happened. (I will say that the film has a unique way of concealing a gun and ammunition clip)