The Dead Mother

1993 "Killing is as easy stealing candy from a baby."
The Dead Mother
6.9| 1h52m| en| More Info
Released: 05 November 1993 Released
Producted By: Sogepaq
Country: Spain
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Ismael breaks into the house of a fine art restorer and shoots the homeowner dead, leaving her daughter orphaned and traumatized for life. Years later, Ismael is working in a bar where he sees the daughter again. Paranoid that she has recognised him and will report him, he kidnaps her and holds her hostage, demanding that her hospital pay a ransom for her release. As he spends more time with her, a strange bond develops that causes him to delay the ransom request or fulfil his threats of throwing her in front of a train. But he can’t delay forever…

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