The Day the Earth Stopped

2.8| 1h30m| R| en| More Info
Released: 09 December 2008 Released
Producted By: The Asylum
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Hundreds of massive intergalactic robots appear in all of the world's major capitals with an ultimatum: Prove the value of human civilization or be destroyed.

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asinyne there is really no reason to trash this film. Plot wise, its pretty solid with a nice tale. The effects are about what one would expect of a rather low budget film but they are OK. The cast is pretty solid, tho not Oscar worthy. The story revolves around a mysterious alien invasion that no one can figure out. There are religion undertones, and not so subtle ones at that. The aliens turn out to be powerful, God like entities that have come to determine the worth of the human race. Plan B it to knock the planet off its axis and destroy us. C Thomas Howell is fun to watch and he is a promising director. The movie moves along at a decent pace and never hits any truly boring stretches. I felt reasonably entertained and no, its far from the worse movie ever made like some sniffy Star Wars nerds commented here.
ksa-gooding Minus 5 stars - You know the movie is in trouble when the first 15 minutes focus on a n@ked p0rn star wondering through the woods while still managing to wear way too much makeup. We are supposed to believe the she is the alien. Bad bad bad acting!!!! There was no action in this 'action' movie. The military people were stereotypes that were supposed to be scary but were not. Excuse me: you can't just put a lab coat and glasses on anybody and expect us to believe that he is a scientist. If you are going to have a birth scene, you can't use a 6 month old baby. And what's with the war-monger type who continued stroking his beard? Just plain creepy!! I wanted some robot action and got almost none. This movie is not just bad - it is offensively bad. The one star is reserved for the music which is the ONLY thing that appeared to be professionally done.
Bobby Mckeown This is another low budget rip off of a blockbuster remake from the Asylum film company. It's when you watch these films that you realise how they came up with the name 'Asylum'. Last night, it was my misfortune to watch this absolute bag of s**t. I watched it deliberately and, somehow, watched it all the way through. Where do I begin? I'm going to give you the entire film.Hundreds of massive robots land on earth and just stand around in the major cities of the world. A government taskforce, which is comprised of a bunch of w*******s, a 12 year old boy and C.Thomas Howell, sets up shop in a warehouse where there is a pointless bloke-needing-a-p*ss scene. Meanwhile a spacepod crashes in the woods. The pod contains an alien man and woman, both naked, who for some reason or another become separated. The taskforce shows up and captures the male after he has taken out half a dozen men using magic. Yeah, magic. The taskforce then assume that there must be another alien, what they base this assumption on is unclear. Anyway, still en route to the scene is Howell and his boyfriend. They find the female alien tarting down the road, give her a coat and take her with them. Once there, she then does the magic thing and is promptly shot and captured. The aliens are then taken to a low security warehouse for questioning but they ain't talking. Later on the woman learns to talk after reading Howells mind. She starts by repeating exactly what he is thinking. Apparently he thinks the bint looks like Angelina Jolie. Maybe he's blind or using a comparison of the way she likes to tart about with her tits out. She warns that earth poses a threat to other planets with its weaponry and that they are to be destroyed unless Howell can prove to her the meaning of humanity. He's got until the end of the day to do this otherwise the earth will be destroyed which we later learn will include the stopping of the earths core. Meanwhile, the military are having a go at these robots with missiles. Cue the worst scene of a fighter pilot supposedly in his cockpit. Missiles useless. planes destroyed. Then the woman uses her magic again and stops all things in the world that depend on electricity including cars leading me to question the purpose of the robots if she can do this. Anyway, with the power out Howell helps her to escape and takes her to his car. The car don't work though because she's knackered everything up. Howells commanding officer shows up to stop them escaping, aiming his gun at Howell. Tart magics the car into life and they drive off without any opposition from the c/o. As they drive around with Howell racking his brain as to how he can prove the meaning of humanity, they are carjacked. The carjacker says something along the lines of "there's aliens all over the world and you've got the only working car, blah blah blah". Reiterating that this car is the only car in the world that is working. After he's buggered off with the car and Howell and the tart are walking down the road, behind them another car drives past. Yes, another working's possible, I suppose, that it's the same car and the bloke who nicked it just doesn't know where he's going. Later on, Howell see's his car that was just jacked and pulls out his gun and goes to get it back. It turns out that it's not his car but a similar looking and fully operational one driven by his boyfriend. They run and hide. Their pursuers catch up with them and Howell kills 2 of them and smacks his boyfriend with a truck door. A brilliant way to prove that humans are every bit as bad as the aliens think they are. During this scene another car drives past outside. Howell and the tart then get into the car and bugger off again. Down the road a bit, they come across a couple in the road who need to go to the hospital as the woman is in labour. En route to hospital, Howells boyfriend shows up again in another working car. They manage to escape to a warehouse where the baby is born. Howell uses the miracle of life to prove the meaning of humanity. The mother dies and the tart magics her back to life. slowly. job done. now to get her back to her spaceship. She gets shot and Howell has to carry her there. Then he gets shot and they both die on the ground at the feet of one of these robots. robot vapourises the bloke who shot Howell. Then the male aliens magically appears and brings Howell and the tart back to life. The male alien features at various points n the film but this is the only real purpose of him being in it at all. The aliens beam up into the robot and they all bugger off.
apollosdei Even if it was cheap, there were big bloopers that could have been avoided and weren't. You can do cheap an good. Or cheap and careless. How come the completely naked alien woman had a heavy noticeable make-up? And that's the beginning. Just a little brain and those stupid mistakes –that required not money, just common sense- would have been adverted. How about when "every car in the town is paralyzed" and you can see far away a car racing through the street? Just to point the camera in a different angle. The robots were cool, even if almost they didn't move, and even if they were anthropologically useless in form (why such a machine had legs?). The actress was beautiful, obviously not a great performance and worst direction. The plot was bordering with a teenager script, but could have been forgiven if the long list of easily correctable mistakes were fixed.