The Crescent

4.8| 1h39m| en| More Info
Released: 07 September 2017 Released
Producted By: Cut Off Tail
Country: Canada
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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After an unexpected death in the family, a mother and son struggle to find spiritual healing at a beachfront summer home.

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Cut Off Tail

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juanmuscle I was hooked from the start, the single mom and her little kid, (How they made that lil' kid do so much, say so much, run around, and hide from monsters and ghosts and evil Pet Semetary cats and on and on... ) Spectacular! It starts right with an anti-climax , in the mothers attempts at trying to rebuild her life and just be a mom to that poor child we are intermittently interlarded with dash of melancholia here and a little bits of fear here. I was pleasently surprised, to me, it seems like there perhaps is way more to the tale, yet the narrative is so artsy , due to the fact that the mother is constantly painting in the abstract and so it the narrative touches on that as she tries to figure out what is going on, it will give you a start here and there, but at the end even after the crisis moment, we are left with a sense that something good came out of all this , do we need to understand every single second of it, I don't know, I mean the tale at some point spills into the other regions, other realms man has posed questions and inquired since time immemorial, this was just a nice artistic tale that took us there, yes though beware of really spooky creepy middle-aged men with really nice silver locks! That's one thing I learnt from this movie! lol...
mikedegroot I wasn't expecting too much and that is exactly what I got. Very slow, dull, and virtually no real scares or excitement. There are a few good shots and some decent acting but the story really drags it down and is really something better suited for a short story at best. Very artsy yet it lacks real nuance. Your time would be much better spent watching something else.
adonis98-743-186503 After an unexpected death in the family, a mother and son struggle to find spiritual healing at a beachfront summer home. The Crescent has a somewhat decent cinematography but the story was rather weak to say the least especially in the acting and character department the film was pretty damn awful. We also spend a bit way too much time with the little kid than we should and that hurts the movie even more. I wouldn't really recommend you to see it online or even rent it at all it's more of another skip it from me to be terribly honest. (0/10)
carrworks I recently watched The Crescent at the Vancouver Film Festival and I loved it. The Crescent is visually stunning and tells a story that can scare someone of any age. I don't want to give anything away but all of the little things make sense at the end and it is truly a glorious experience. Well done!