The Crazy World of Julius Vrooder

1974 "If they think you're crazy, you can get away with anything."
The Crazy World of Julius Vrooder
5.6| 1h38m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 17 October 1974 Released
Producted By: 20th Century Fox
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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After returning home from the war, Vietnam veteran Julius Vrooder resides in a veteran's hospital, where he has been vaguely diagnosed as "psychiatrically impaired." Taking the news with an air of initially lighthearted defiance, Vrooder escapes and sets up camp under a highway, where he builds a paranoia-driven booby-trapped bunker for himself. Falling in love with not-so-bright nurse Zanni, Vrooder soon plans to elope with her to a remote Canadian outpost.

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20th Century Fox

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