The Commune

2009 "A New Cult Classic"
The Commune
5| 1h31m| en| More Info
Released: 05 June 2009 Released
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When Jenny Cross has to spend summer vacation with her deadbeat dad in his creepy commune, she thinks clean living and boredom will kill her. But some fates are worse than death.

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james_depaolo Plot-this is a Greek tragedy mixed with a 70′s sexual thriller. This movie centers on the summer of Jenny's 16th birthday. Her mom wants her to spend some time with her deadbeat father in his commune. Jenny does not want to go or be part of her dad's life. Once she gets to the commune she starts to see things that disturb her, and does not know who is who. Review-Elisabeth Fies is in the movie, and even does a nude scene. I am not sure if this is a first, the director being the only person to go nude but I had to mention this because for a film like this it is a brave move. The beginning of the movie has a disturbing scene, which I will not talk about but tell you guys it sells the film and what it will offer you. The movie does a great job of explaining how we get to certain parts of this film, in almost a way that would make Hitchcock smile. This movie is a very slow build, but the script is pretty good and keeps you the viewer involved and your attention, and the characters are not boring or one sided, that you question each one, and not sure who to follow or believe in. This film created paranoia about it that you feel like you are watching a very head scratching episode of the Twilight Zone. The movie has a few scenes that really are creepily awesome and very well done for a small budget indie, and for that the acting deserves so much respect. This is what M Night should have put out instead of the shitty Village, and it is sad to watch this film and know that if they had a much bigger budget what could have come out of it. Films like this make me question what Hollywood is putting their money into these days, and what they are ignoring. This movie is impressive if you think about the budget, and also you can see Elisabeth's heart and passion all over this film. This is not a typical horror movie as it is a thriller that would be good to show someone who wants mood over blood and a movie to make them think scene to scene and catches you on surprise as well. I also want to point out the bonus features that there was a lot of work put into them. And Elisabeth really shines throughout. I am impressed with Fies talent and thinks she has a bright future. Hollywood give this woman a budget and let's see what she can give us next. Plus any director who will do her own nude scenes and really go outside the box with her performance deserves a break. The typical horror fan may or may not like this film; it depends on their attention span. If you can sit thru a film and can invest into a slow build and know that the payoff will be worth it, this is a film for you. 7 out of 10Also, I want to tell the fans to keep Chauntal Lew is in their prayers.A few years ago, the lead actress of this film lost her hand and is recovering day by day
headcheese66 This psychological, slow burn filmed in eighteen days really took me by surprise. It is darkly sinister and yet very engaging. Reality horror is what is given to us via this tale of ultimate betrayal. Still, I was not expecting such a well-written film. The story really gets under your skin, especially for victims of abuse and molestation whether done by a cult, a family member or any other abuser. Abuse of children in any form is one scary reality indeed. Blind followers are another aspect of reality in this horror film, and yes, this is indeed a horror film. This kind of film I find scary in its stark reality. Not a gore film so gore- hounds need not apply here but if you enjoy psychological terror then this should do the trick for you. This film sets up boundaries and then crosses them. It's creepy, mean and it leaves you with a steel-toed kick to the gut in the end. Gorgeously filmed in a tropical setting with wonderful music and sounds of peacocks crying in the background. The colors and look lull the viewer into a tranquil, hypnotic state only to jar your brain with the sinister goings on of The Commune. Check it out!
nkkingston I first saw this at the Bram Stoker Film Festival, where it won "Best International Feature", and purchased the DVD there (which speaks for itself). It stands up brilliantly to a second viewing, I have to say, and works as well on the small screen as on the big.The Commune is a good, slow creep in the manner of The Wicker Man, the subject area well researched so that little bits peek through in ways the audience might not always appreciate on a first viewing. It's one of those films where the more you know about the setting the more frightening it is, unlike a lot of horror flicks. The intense colour palette gives it a dissonant quality that enhances the unsettling feeling the film inspires. I feel the climax could have been a little bigger in terms of set pieces, but as it stands it does give the film a more personal feeling.
jfaerber First, I'm not even sure if I should call this movie a "horror" movie. Yes, it involves a few horrible acts, but when I think of a "horror" movie -- especially by today's standards -- I picture some PG-13 crap with a bunch of teenagers running away from an unstoppable killer for 90 minutes. This isn't that kind of movie, not by a long shot.And when I say it's an indie film, I don't mean it's indie compared to Transformers 2. I mean it's indie in the truest sense of the word. It appears to have been created by a bunch of like-minded people motivated by their love of movies and devotion to the story they wanted to tell, not by profit. I have no idea what the budget was for this movie, but I'm guessing it was pretty small. And yet that doesn't come across on film. It's a "small" movie, in that there aren't a lot of locations and the cast is small and there aren't any special effects. But it never feels like a "cheap" movie. It's well-shot, the sound is good, and the music was particularly strong.The story involves Jenny (don't call her Jen!), a 16-year old girl forced to spend time with her estranged father as part of a custody agreement. Her father's some kind of hippie guru and lives in a weird commune. Jenny arrives at the commune and we initially get a lot of fish-out-of-water / culture clash humor. But the humor's offset nicely by an undercurrent of creepiness to everything.Jenny soon meets Puck, a kid who lives in the nearby town. They strike up a friendship, and spend more and more time with each other as Jenny is continually creeped out at the commune.I won't spoil the rest of the film. As I said before, it's not what I'd call a "horror" film, per se. Maybe more of a psychological thriller. But it's also got strong elements of black comedy. It's my kind of movie, in that it slides quite comfortably back and forth between genres.I found the high point of the film to be at the beginning of the third act, in a prolonged scene between Jenny and Puck. Elisabeth Fies, the writer / director / co-star, establishes a really intimate, genuine, raw moment between her two characters.If you're in the mood for something different, and want to support truly independent filmmakers, check out The Commune.