The Cheat

1931 "A Beautiful Girl- Gambling with one man for the love of another, until her selfishness plunged them into a crisis of disgrace!"
The Cheat
6.3| 1h7m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 28 November 1931 Released
Producted By: Paramount Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Elsa Carlyle is impulsive and a gambler. Though loved by her husband Jeff, she's spoiled and selfish, concerned with social standing. Meanwhile, Jeff wants to stop spending while he completes business deals that could make them rich. One night, on a hunch, she bets and loses big at a casino, and then she doubles her problems with more impulsive decisions. Hardy Livingstone, a wealthy Casanova just back from the Orient, makes a play for her. Elsa dallies with Hardy, but soon, his insistence and her dire financial affairs seem destined to lead to adultery. Who's the cheat?

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Paramount Pictures

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