The Capture of Bigfoot

1979 "A Story so Amazing it can only be True!"
The Capture of Bigfoot
3.5| 1h30m| en| More Info
Released: 01 November 1979 Released
Producted By: Studio Film Corp.
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A small town has made an industry out of Bigfoot sightings and ancillary merchandising. All this may come to an end very soon though, as a local businessman hopes to trap Bigfoot once and for all, in order to get all the publicity gravy.

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Michael_Elliott The Capture of Bigfoot (1979) ** (out of 4) A couple redneck hunters capture a baby Bigfoot but before they can get him back to town a much larger Bigfoot shows up. One of the hunters is killed but the other makes it town where he tells the people about a mysterious creature. Pretty soon more bloody murders are happening and it becomes clear that the legend is real.THE CAPTURE OF BIGFOOT from director Bill Rebane has a very, very bad reputation but I must admit that I don't know why. I will freely admit that I love Bigfoot and the myth around him so I've read countless books, magazines and of course seen plenty of movies. Sadly, with just a few exceptions, the majority of these films have been very bad. THE CAPTURE OF BIGFOOT has a very bad reputation with some people calling it the worst Bigfoot film ever made. I certainly don't agree with that for a number of reasons.For starters, a lot of monster movies pretty much hide the monsters in the shadows or just don't show them enough. A lot of Bigfoot movies from this era are guilty of that but I give Rebane credit for going all out and constantly having the monsters on the screen. I'm not sure why they elected to go with a white-haired monster over the traditional one but either way the film remains entertaining because of him. It was great getting to see the various attacks and if you're a fan of such movies then at least you've got one that keeps the monster on the screen.As far as the story goes, yeah, it's nothing original or overly great but it's at least entertaining enough for a low-budget "B" movies. None of the performances are overly great but none of them are bad either. They're basically what you'd expect out of a movie like this. Another plus is that we're given some beautiful and snow-covered location shots of Wisconsin.THE CAPTURE OF BIGFOOT has several flaws including some bad pacing issues but I think its reputation as being one of the worst Bigfoot movies is a bad rap.
Bezenby In North Wisconsin way back in the hills, lived a Bigfoot and he had him a kid. He attacked some hunters when the sun went down but one survived and made it back into town. Mighty mighty freezing, Bigfoot kept on teasing, they called him White Lightening.Policemen, Townsfolk, the mine owner too, searching for the place where he rested his big foot. They were looking trying to hook him but Bigfoot kept on wookie-ing - White Lightening.Bill Rebane's the guy who made this stew, of Bigfoot and his little kid too. I took one glimpse and then I knew, as my eyes glazed over and my face turned blue. Low budget madness, Buck Flowers is a bad arse – Whew – White Lightning.Policeman, little kids, the mine owner too, catching that Bigfoot and slinging him in a zoo. They were looking trying to hook him but Bigfoot kept on cooking – White Lightening.Well the mine owner came and he said I'm mighty tough. I think I want to catch that powerful fud. He went real crazy when he took Bigfoot down and I heard him laughing through out the town. Might mighty pleasin' his knackers must be freezin' -they call him - White Lightening.Well the policeman, townsfolk, mine owner too. Getting all killed trying to catch Bigfoot. It's not as good as Rana but it's better than Twister's. White Lightning.
DaleMarek A great film like this is a result of the rare convergence of many talents: Rebane (Ito), Neumeyer (screenplay), Wally Flaherty et al. In fact it is Bill Rebane's innocent and somewhat naive approach that turns his earnest effort (like the turning of water into wine) into this true camp classic. No one could set out to purposely make a film like this; they would fail. When Lartronic rented this movie from the "Le Bad" section of Blockbuster, what did he expect? Those who want a good laugh from a movie that can entertain as only a true camp classic can, then this is your movie! Also rent "The Alpha Incident", "Gift From the Red Planet", "Giant Spider Invasion" and Rebane's other classics. Mr. Rebane should be honored by the Academy for his lifetime contributions to the camp category of motion pictures. He is truly a genius in this respect.
MACREADY-3 Its a sin how these things are made, but then again we wouldn't get to see the best "Dummy scene" ever filmed. Ahhh the beauty of low budget Bigfoot flicks, you lean to see the beauty the more you watch them, thats if your brain doesn't melt first. As I said before, this has the best dummy scene ever! Words cant express it, you have to see it for yourself. Wonderful lines such as "Smells like decain flesh", "Thems human..."(You will know this one when you see it) The creature makes a Blah, Blah! sound and the scene where the baby gets shot will make you cry(with laughter) you will be rewinding it. Has a car chase, snowmobile chase, a Bigfoot folk song as well as a Disco song. It dosn't end there, while watching the credits a friend noticed "Wardrobe provided by K-Mart". You ask, how could you even get as far as the credits and then watch them? I could only explain this as a sort of shock to the brain, you are so mentally exhausted you cant move and also I guess you have to know who was behind the mess. All that being said, this is a must see especially if you want to punish yourself mentally. Its a keeper!