Michael Ledo
This is a film that tells you what is going on, yet I had no idea. Pit Bukowski plays "the student" who rents a room at The Bunker for peace and solitude for his work which looks like scribbling, but clearly is something deeper. He is short on his rent money and eventually it is agreed upon he is to teach their son Klaus (Daniel Fripan) for the shortcoming. Klaus is to grow up to be President, yet doesn't have the sense or social graces to be functional in society. Mom (Oona von Maydell) at the risk of giving too much away (30 minute PLOT SPOILER) talks to Heinrich who has moved into her through her leg. He is a great leader from a distant Galaxy here to...who knows but he got sick and moved in her body. Knowing all of this didn't make my understanding of the film any better. Father (David Scheller) is well educated and clearly he sees what is going on...but maybe he doesn't.The film was engrossing and somewhat entertaining, but I felt lost like Klaus.Guide: No swearing. Sex and nudity Not for everyone.
I like twisted movies. I always have. Germans are front runners when it's time to make something twisted without any logic or order, just for the sake of it. This movie is like some weird critique of parental education in our society (in a slightly disturbing way).This is not twisted enough for my taste. There's too much room in between where nothing happens. Asian directors would manage to create tension out of thin air. That's what's missing here. Also, more violence. At times, I thought that the director was trying to copy David Lynch. If he was, he earned a hard fail in my book. Lynch (or anyone else for that matter) shouldn't be copied. One should try to create his own style. I'm glad I caught this little feature, because it still beats most mainstream movies by far. If I had a choice between Vin Diesel's stupid face or something like this, I'd choose this every time. Some may the film a little sick (I've seen sicker), but it's definitely not filled with hidden advertising and/or propaganda. It's an honest first feature. 5.5/10
THE BUNKER is a weird little German film for those who enjoy offbeat or obscure cinema like TAXIDERMIA or the films of Jan Svankmajer. It doesn't really have much of a plot or narrative arc, instead it's a slice of very-weird-life set in a rather bizarre family home. The protagonist is your usual young, upstanding teacher who takes on a home schooling job for a couple's son. Most of the time he's in the cellar, teaching the kid geography and the like, but after a time he gets drawn into the family's weird ways.I'm not really sure how to describe THE BUNKER, other than to say it's not particularly enjoyable. Some parts reminded me of the films of Werner Herzog but lacking the artistry and the subtext. Pit Bukowski is weird as the grown up kid, but weird in a good way and I did warm to him a little as the story went on. He comes across as a mix of Kaspar Hauser and Peter Bark in BURIAL GROUND! The other characters aren't as memorable, but there's a smattering of sex and violence to keep viewers engaged. As I said, it didn't work out too well for me.
Alex van Beek
I'm really quite shocked that no one besides myself has taken the trouble to spend a few minutes ranting about this wonderfully dark and weird comedy. If you are reading this review then I highly recommend you track down and watch this gem.This film was on television a couple of days ago and being a German film about a bunker I had foregone the conclusion that this would certainly be something to do with the war- not even close. I was further enticed by the mention in the description of perversity because it was late at night and I'm a guy that had no plans that particular evening.All that aside, there was no perversity. There were one or two comical sexual scenes but this film is a brilliantly awkward comedy based around the strange characters that make up this secluded family, the student who comes to stay with them and the mysterious "Heinrich", who I shall offer no further description of lest it somehow depreciate his mystery.I cannot claim to have seem many funny German films, I'm sure they must exist but I can't think of any other ones that have made it as far as for me to find on English television. Usually anything in German on English television will in some way reference the war, something that this doesn't. So in that context it's special.I almost missed this film, but I was unable to find it to download anywhere so stayed up and watched it and am very thankful I did. I'm not sure why it isn't more widely known because it's really great and stayed with me for quite some time. I think I saw it about a week or two ago and it keeps popping back into my mind. Anyway, enjoy it if you can find it.