When this movie begins, a man (Fritz Weaver) arrives at a funeral home and inspects two coffins...filled with Tom and Eve Harrison (Don Murray and Inger Stevens). The film then bounces back in time...and you see the Harrisons in their suburban home. They seem like any other least in this early portion of the film. However, over time you come to realize that Tom is involved in something covert...and he occasionally makes phone calls and utters a code phrase 'Borgia Stick'. Who exactly he is remains a bit vague and he refers to 'the Company'. No...he is not a CIA agent but works for the Syndicate and oversees money laundering. He takes mob money and uses it to buy legitimate businesses.Over time, Tom has two things happen that are unexpected. First, he has fallen for his wife. This might seem pretty normal...until you realize that Eve ALSO works for the Company...and their marriage is a complete shame. The marriage, their names, their identities are all false...all arranged for them by the Company. Second, some stranger (Ralph Waite) recognizes Tom for who he used to be back in Toledo...and it's obvious his cover has been blown. Not wanting to wait to find out who this stranger is, Tom informs his Company contacts of what has happened. They want him to abroad and live an all new well as to forget Eve. Is it as easy as that? And, how will the pair eventually end up at an undertaker?All in all, this is a very intelligently written for folks who want a picture that makes them think. It is not just mindless entertainment but has an unusual depth for a movie. One of the best made for television films I have ever seen...and I've seen a lot. Exciting and riveting throughout.
Mike Corwin
Like the other reviewer, I was about 15 when this incredible movie was on TV. And also sat on the edge of my seat until the very end. Many of my friends watched it and we talked about it endlessly, as teens will do. We argued and questioned all aspects of the story and character motives, etc. It was The Topic for quite some time. But my memory now of the entire story is rather vague, 44 years later. I remember someone in disguise was carrying the Borgia stick, and another character commented on its unusual design, a swan attacking a lion, symbol of the Borgia family being more powerful than the monarch. Well, whoever owns the rights, please make this wonderful story available on DVD. It may have a small but very eager audience waiting to buy it.
I saw this film in the late '60. It was made about four decades before Enron. I would have liked to do a plot summary but just don't recall it that well. What I do recall was that the subject matter was quite scary when the McGuffin was finally revealed at the end. Inger Steven and Don Murray were a typical suburban couple caught up into somethings way beyond their understanding. The story revolved around them not having any idea about what it was that they knew. And what did they know? Organized crime having so much money decided to buy into or buy up legitimate corporations and businesses. That wasn't unusual because that seems to be the way of the world in many quarters, but this story had unique twist, i.e., the crime families were going to buy up utilities, railroad, water, etc., to eventually monopolize them. It seemed to me that in the film they discussed that there eventually would be shortages either real or contrived. When that happened, they would be able to set or control the prices of necessities to any amount they wanted and no one could do anything about it. In 2008, the Borgia Stick has proved to be more fact than fiction except that the organize crime people today wear more expensive suits and attend the right schools. It was a great film that need to be out on DVD.
david pearce
Why oh why is this not available for purchase. It exceeds anyones' wildest idea of tension,mystery and drama. The concept of the everyday man being caught in a web of intrigue has been done may times but never better than this.The cast is superb and Fritz Weaver excels .Can someone find this movie and release for all to see. I only caught it one night many years ago by chance but the experience was without parallel.Surely who ever made this or owns the rights can see the untold gratitude of so many people to repeat their pleasure and for those who have not seen it to witness a taught story with incredible twists and turns,imitated since but never bettered.Don Murray and the late Inger Stevens portray sensitively and unbelievingly ,initially ,the couple caught in this Web and Barry Nelson contributes valiantly.Someone out there do your stuff