The Blood of Kolong Wewe's Widow

The Blood of Kolong Wewe's Widow
2.8| 1h14m| en| More Info
Released: 30 April 2009 Released
Producted By: K2K Production
Country: Indonesia
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Gono, an ugly guy, has excessive self-confidence, so he pursues Trio Macan, the star of the dangdut stage. As a result he is beaten by Oma Susie's bouncers, the manager of Trio Macan. Then Gono seeks the aid of Ki Riman Banyu, a powerful shaman. Then he receives Tali Kolor Kolongwewe, a charm used to conquer women. As a result, he turns into a dashing and handsome young man. But due to his carelessness, Gono breaks a taboo and falls into a pile of women's underwear. Now, he has to face the consequence of Kolongwewe’s terror!

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K2K Production

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