The Avenging Angel

1995 "They trained him to shoot. To ride. To kill. He was the hunter. Now, he's the hunted."
The Avenging Angel
6| 1h31m| en| More Info
Released: 22 January 1995 Released
Producted By: Esparza / Katz Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Miles Utley is a professional Mormon commando/bodyguard who is forced to turn renegade and to question his faith as he investigates a scandal involving assassination and land speculation.

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Esparza / Katz Productions

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Worleyr7 I've been looking for this movie on DVD for years. I remember watching it when it was released, and like many of you I do not understand why it hasn't been re-mastered on Blu Ray or DVD , I've e-mailed turner classic movies and have never received a reply on when this movie might be released again. With the all star cast and action packed sequences this movie needs to be released again on DVD ! Good westerns are few and there's not a lot of actors that can make a great western movie now days, the James Coburns, John Wayne's , and all the great actors are gone and there's very few actors that can make a great western still alive
robertf-13 Avenging Angel explores a history of the old West that few outside of Utah will have explored. Granted some liberties have been taken, but the story holds up quite well, an the dialog snaps throughout. Charleston Heston can add Brigham Young to Moses and Ben Hur on his list of major religious figures he has portrayed. Tom Berringer gives a solid performance. James Coburn is brilliant as Porter Rockwell.From a historic point of view, the storyline may not be entirely true to fact, but Gary Stewart, author of the original novel, grew up in a traditional Mormon family in St. George, Utah. While this specific story may be fictitious, it is based on a tremendous amount of historic fact.
engineer307 There was an organization that existed in Utah after the Danites were disbanded. They were known as the Destroying Angels. The Mormons did kill people who were no threat to them in southern Utah. This was the Mountain Meadow Massacre on 11 September 1957. They killed over 100 men, women, and children on a wagon train from Arkansas. The only ones spared were children younger than 7. Even children as young as 9 were killed after the party was promised safe passage after turning over their weapons. Those left alive were given to Mormons in Utah to raise but eventually returned to their families back East. This was "The Crime of the Century" in the 1800's. There are some great books and many websites about it.
artzau I should like this film, but I was more than a little put off by it. I want to be careful here and keep my comments addressed to the film and not its subject, the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints, AKA, the Mormons. The film which takes a VERY sympathetic posture of the Avenging Angels, the well organized and well funded hit squad of the LDS which organized a number of out-right murders of both true believers and "Gentiles (as us non-subscribers to their faith are termed). I was mildly surprised to note that such a murder is treated fairly in the film but that's about all that isn't slanted. The internal struggle of Elders provides us with the good guys/bad guys necessary for a good shoot'em Western and there are some interesting twists, including our old favorite, James Coburn, in a role as the mysterious Porter Rocwell, the organizer of the Avenging Angels. If you are willing to buy the several fictions that exist in the story and the VERY soft pedaling of Mormon polygyny, you will likely find this entertaining. Heston is his old patriarchal self as the "Prophet" Brigham Young and look for Andrew Prine, a promising young actor who never quite made it to the top, in a spot. As a hard-nosed history buff, I had a hard time with several of the religio-political elements of this film but I must confess that I've been so damn hungry lately for a good Western, I'd likely watch it again.