The Anderson Platoon

1967 "No editorials, no opinions . . . just the real story of the brutal Vietnam War."
The Anderson Platoon
6.8| 1h5m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 03 February 1967 Released
Producted By: INA
Country: Vietnam
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A documentary feature by Pierre Schoendoerffer about the Vietnam War.

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st-shot The Anderson Platoon was a stunning doc in its day presenting us with the war in Viet Nam from a slogging platoon's point of view. Led by a West Point Black American grad Lieut. Robert Anderson it was an unrelenting portrait of the quagmire in South East Asia that would only get worse in the years ahead. This was one of the first indications all was not well and it is vividly brought out by director Pierre Scoendorrfer who must have felt he was experiencing deja vu after his Indochina tour with the French.Narration is sparse and while that may be a drawback to some Schoendorffer lets his camera do the talking with more than its share of incredible scenes and images depicting the violence, chaos, confusion and heartbreak of a bunch of American GIs following orders and trying to get home in one piece. Whether covering a chilling firefight, down time in the field or an Rand R of a GI with a prostitute in Saigon, Schoendorrfer paints his visual picture with an unavoidable lugubriousness that this conflict was not about to get any easier. This is not Capra's Why We Fight, but a cold unflinching look at the war from the boots on the ground where the courage, sacrifice and humanity of the platoon comes across loud and clear in their faces and the predicament that surrounds them soberly and powerfully captured by Schoendorrfer.
hcoursen It so happened that in 1968 I was asked to escort Major and Mrs Anderson around prior to the showing of the film that evening. I hated the war (and still do) but I liked Anderson a lot and found that his college-educated wife (UKansas) was opposed to the war. One fact came out in the discussion after the film. One of the U.S. soldiers killed was killed by a grenade tossed by one of his own men. The narrator began the film by saying "The Vietnam War is a tragedy." It remains so. The audience that evening was entirely male college students, with the exception of an occasional veteran like me. The film gave its audience a better sense of what it was like to fight and die in that faroff jungle than any experience other than being there. I recall being very sad that we were doing this to our young men and to a country that posed only a fictional threat to our well-being. But I also recall having great respect and even love for the kids we'd sent there. I've often wondered what happened to Major Anderson and his lovely wife. Anyone know?
craighealey A "must see" movie for anyone truly interested in the Vietnam War. The photography, although black and white, shows the scenes in VN that the grunts saw. It even includes an R and R period in Saigon. However, the narrative was disappointing. Considering the director was a French Indochina veteran, I expected more insight and comparisons with the way the French fought. All he does is add a basic description of the scene. At times, it's not too clear what he's referring to, and he doesn't give any operational details. That said, it is definitely worth seeing. It just could have been even better.
Jaime N. Christley A rare glimpse of the American effort in Vietnam seen through the eyes of a French documentary film-maker. The images: soldiers, helicopter warfare, jungle patrols, villages, the wounded, all these retain the freshness and vitality of a newscast from that era, accompanied by professional, sober-minded, impartial narration. Most fiction movies about the Vietnam War made afterward will seem contrived and melodramatic after one sees "The Anderson Platoon." A must-see for documentary enthusiasts.