The ABCs of Death

2013 "26 Directors, 26 Ways to Die."
4.7| 2h9m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 08 March 2013 Released
Producted By: Drafthouse Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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An ambitious anthology film featuring segments directed by over two dozen of the world's leading talents in contemporary genre film. Inspired by children's educational ABC books, the film comprises 26 individual chapters, each helmed by a different director assigned a letter of the alphabet. The directors were then given free reign in choosing a word to create a story involving death.

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Woodyanders Twenty-six horror stories all dealing with death in one form or another by directors from all over the world must have sounded very promising on paper, but the resultant film is decidedly hit or miss. The key problem is that the brevity of the segments give the directors an inadequate amount of time for the most part to generate much in the way of either tension or creepy atmosphere. However, the bulk of the tales featured herein do deliver oodles of graphic gore and sadistic violence, plus some of the stories are really bizarre and/or outrageous enough to be at least fun to watch. The Bigfoot and Dogfight vignettes prove to be the most potent and impressive, Orgasm packs a strong erotic punch, Libido scores points for its jaw-dropping depravity and perversity alone, Toilet culminates in a hilariously rude'n'crude punchline, Miscarriage seriously fizzles, XXL rates as the single most gruesome , disgusting, and poignant entry, the Fart and Klutz anecdotes are just silly, Pressure feels painfully out of place, the clever self-awareness of Quack hits the sidesplitting spot, and Nuptials boasts a uproariously chatty parrot who spills the beans on a guy's infidelity with predictably grisly consequences. Pretty uneven, but overall still worthwhile and effective.
Suicide_Saint If you are a fan of farts, miscarriages, turds, a human versus dog fight, or a woman indulging a man's crush fetish, than perhaps this movie was made for you. Otherwise, even the most seasoned horror fans are likely to be disappointed with this one. Despite more than 2 hours of run time, each segment feels very brief and unable to create anything of substance. At the same time, many of the segments are so unbearable that the next and possibly less god-awful short cannot come soon enough. I have been a tremendous fan of horror my entire life. As well, I am a proponent of creative integrity and freedom from Hollywood's repetitive idiocy. However, if this is what these directors came up with with "artistic freedom" then perhaps they should try another line of work. I find nothing about this film terrifying, humorous, or entertaining in any way. Rather, each segment was dull, predictable and seemed more interest in pushing the boundaries of the grotesque rather than trying to create something interesting. One can only assume that an incredibly cheap production cost is what lead to a sequel to this disaster of a collection. Hitchcock would be rolling over in his grave if he knew this abomination passed for "horror."
Lucabrasisleeps One of the benefits of having so many short films is that maybe there is something for everyone in this bunch. I am not sure if I can call this an anthology, it is mostly a collection of 5 minute (or less) short films. There are so many different approaches and so the movie is fascinating.One main thing I noticed is that there are way too many films with scatological themes. I have not seen so many movies dealing with such themes in a horror anthology before. It is plain weird to see a short film about farting. The Japanese films were overall weird but the farting one takes the cake. I just don't see how this is appropriate for a horror anthology. In any case, most of the films were only borderline horror. Another striking aspect is the inclusion of taboo subjects which may not be included on other anthologies that much. For example, I have not seen many taboo subjects on VHS or the other anthologies. I was disturbed quite a bit, maybe they could have been avoided.My favourites are Dogfight, Jidai-geki, Libido, Pressure, Toilet, XXL and Zetsumetsu. Dogfight was incredible because it dealt with one of my greatest fears - Dogs! I was so terrified throughout this one, it is visually striking. They should make more horror movies about dogs. Jidai-geki was hilarious, I was laughing at the various faces and the special effects. Libido was absolutely intense. Apparently this is the same guy who was behind the Safe haven segment in VHS2 as well so I am not surprised by the intensity of this segment. Pressure was hard to watch. But here people were complaining about the animal abuse but for me personally, it is the human story that struck me. I don't care about cats but I do care about the woman in the story who goes through various difficulties. This is a serious entry in a mostly comedic over the top anthology. Toilet was also interesting because of the clever premise and lines. The ending was also hilarious! XXL was shocking with its brutal violence. Apparently the French horror wave is not over yet. In usual French style, they try to include some social commentary in the midst of the brutal violence. And frankly many times I have felt the same way as the girl since I have had weight issues. Zetsumetsu at the end is also funny. I have been a fan of Tokyo gore police so this is pretty much similar to that style.It is funny how many of the directors in this anthology have made short films similar to their own previous films. I am surprised by the Ti west short film though, it is not that good. Fart, Gravity, Exterminate, Hydro electric diffusion, Quack, WTF are terrible. Speed and Vagitus were somewhat interesting, they have good endings. The remaining stories are not excellent either.Still they were entertaining somewhat in their weirdness. I rate it a 7/10.
rabidpandaren I give it a 6 for the efforts of the good segments. Overall, I found the submissions to be hit and miss (like pretty much anthology film), but the ones that were good were excellent. Q was definitely one of my favorites, I liked the twist ending of D, J was my kind of humor, and N was funny too. I don't know if I should recommend it, but if you have an afternoon free and the conviction to sift through a lot of garbage to find a few gems then by all means, have at it. I was able to slog through it because I watched it with a friend and our morbid sense of humor kept us going though the entire film, I don't think I would have made it alone.