this film was written by Simon Moore and produced by Robert Halmi. The movie starts out in modern-day New York, following a girl named Virginia and her father, Anthony. Then in a different realm where Cinderella, Snow White, and Little Red Ridding Hood were once rulers of the land. Prince Wendell, the grandson of Snow White Gets turned into a golden retriever by his step mother, the evil queen. When the evil queen sends trolls after him to kill him, he finds a way to escape by running through a magic mirror. This is when he runs in to Virginia and their journey begins. One of my favorite characters is Wolf. I like him because he is relatable. because people judge him by his appearance because he has a tail and then they run away. And assume that he is always to blame. This is relatable because it is very easy to del like an outcast and that everything is your fault some times. This film is very unique because it gives a good twist on classic fairy tales. one of my favorite clips from the movie is when Virginia is try to win a competition by singing we will rock you in a lame remix( have to watch the movie to find out what that means). this movie was very emotional movie to me because you go on an emotional roller coaster , sometimes your happy , sad and laughing.
This is one outstanding series-turned-movie!Probably the best thing about "The Tenth Kingdom" is its characters, and just second to that, the story. The characters are endearing from the beginning, and you fall in love with them as the story progresses. Of course, the characters excel mostly due to their fantastic actors, who deliver completely genuine performances. There are lots of laughs, but there is a seriousness that makes everything seem that much more real. The story itself is woven together exceptionally- I have a hard time finding something to compare it to, the story is just that well put together. There is not a single moment in the movie that I just don't like... I love the whole thing, all 417 minutes. And speaking of 417 minutes, that equals just shy of 7 hours. I have seen people say that it has a running time of 4 hours, and also 10 hours. It is neither- it runs basically 7 hours long, and it is worth every minute. I would highly recommend it for all and any ages. The Tenth Kingdom is a fantastic film, that will always be special to my family and I!
John Holden
I had low expectations going in and I wasn't disappointed: it was even worse than I imagined. It would have been painful if it took 1 hr 20 mins. But at 8 hours you want to scream.Maybe it will appeal to those who like plays & musicals for the overacting, emoting, screen-chewing; costumes and color .... and don't mind a numb script. Instead of tension, character development, story - all that stuff that takes creative effort and work - you have folks running around in makeup, rats talking in squeaky baby voices, and soooooooo much dead time.TV just keeps devolving. Scripts are written (I assume) to include every possible viewer. So they become more of a political speech than a movie.I saw some refs to it being for kids and don't follow that: the Wolf makes reference to the heroine's "succulent breasts"; the Trolls have a refrain "go suck an elf". Was it written for people who want to re-imagine what they would have liked as salacious kids? I also saw in the reviews some hopes for Emmy recognition. That's where TV folks get together and congratulate each other on how well they've done in TV-land?
I watched the first show in this series and I found it to be terrible. I enjoy fantasy (e.g., stardust), but this was just idiotic.The acting was amateurish and way overdone, the special effects quite cheesy, and the costumes like something from a bad dream. The plot was also inane, but that is not unusual for a fantasy. I suppose this might have been targeted at children, but I doubt that this even comes up to the standards of a kids TV show. Also, this does not seem appropriate for younger children (violence), so I can't see why this movie exists at all.The characters were incredibly annoying, and made watching this a masochistic exercise.To me, this looked like a very poor TV show, which is what I guess it was. I would strongly advise that you not waste your time with this one.