Team Foxcatcher

2016 "An Olympic hero. A delusional benefactor. At the intersection of ambition and paranoia lies tragedy."
Team Foxcatcher
7.2| 1h31m| en| More Info
Released: 18 April 2016 Released
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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With never-before seen home video, this film recounts the paranoid downward spiral of John E. du Pont and the murder of Olympic wrestler Dave Schultz.

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markgibson-99220 When they were showing clips of the open field looking towards a tree line and they cast was talking about when John would ask them if they saw anything moving towards the trees, did anyone else notice the transparent person walking through the field? walking left to right about a quarter of the way up from the bottom of the screen it starts at around 37:10 you will hear a light bell ring and right after that it will start. Keep your eyes in the middle towards the bottom of the screen and you will see it. its right after the guy in the red sweater says that John would fast forward it and say are you sure you don't see something. Let me know what you think, I just showed it to my brother and he was able to catch it.
mcandrewsallyson This is an incredible documentary! It contains actual footage and home videos from Dave Schultz's life. The film serves as a great tribute to Dave, his family, friends and wrestlers. I had the privilege of viewing it at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City. When I got home, I watched it again. It is THAT good!
Red_Identity Seeing the film play out brought back memories of Bennet Miller's fantastic Foxcatcher. Although both have different leads, I think both also work to highlight many of the same recurring themes and plot points. This film only adds to the mystery and intrigue of the entire case and of Du Pont. It works to highlight certain scenarios and it also emphasizes the tragedy as something that was just inevitable, which is different to the more spontaneous character developments of Miller's film. The relationship between Du Pont and Schultz also seemed to be friendlier and at least more like one that had arisen due to friendship, as opposed to the one highlighted by Miller's film. This works as a great companion piece to that one, but it also stands on its own, it tells its own contained story.
MovieHoliks Last night I finished up what I believe is a Netflix original documentary. I thought I had seen this already, but turns out the doc I had already seen was the "30 for 30" installment, "Prince of Pennsylvania". And of course, I had already seen the dramatization from a couple years ago, "Foxcatcher". This one focuses more on the relationship between wrestler, Dave Schultz, and billionaire eccentric, John du Pont, whereas it seemed the other two focused more on Dave's brother, Mark, who Channing Tatum played in the film. This is such a fascinating story of insanity, wealth, privilege, power- all out of control, and an innocent victim- Dave- who, by all accounts was an all-around incredible stand-up human being. The big surprise in this whole story, and maybe saving grace, is that for once all that money and privilege could not save Mr. du Pont, who ended up rotting in prison til his death a few years ago at a ripe old age. But definitely check this out when you get a chance- even if you've seen the other two films already. I think in many ways, this one is actually the most powerful of the three...