
5.1| 1h35m| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 2008 Released
Producted By: EasyAction
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Daniel loses his wife and son in a car accident. While slowly recovering from his injuries, he rebuilds his son's video camera that was destroyed in the crash. Infused with power from the moment of the crash, the camera develops the ability to stop time when Daniel presses the pause button.

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J Gaignun I watched this movie because I am interested in the concept of stopping time but unfortunately, the only other movie I know of exploring this concept is cashback. Wanting to see something with actors who had an American accent however, I picked up this movie to watch. When finished, I found myself saying "Meh, could have been better." Still, I wanted to see what others thought of the movie and jumped onto IMDb and having disagreed with their reviews, I found myself writing this one.So, if you're on the fence about whether or not watch this film, I would say it has a few plot problems, actors were good and believable but could have been better, and the overall movie was emotional and very slow moving. I would also tell you that you won't want to watch it more than once and you won't want to watch this if you want things explained or want a fairy tale ending (despite it's somewhat sci-fi-esque premise).Personally, I didn't set any expectations before watching the film and to me, the movie was slow. Though it was done purposely to convey a message and to accentuate the general tone of the movie, I would argue that there were just too many occasions that I thought, "Come on... hurry up." I know it was just trying to communicate the same message in different ways (probably on the notion that different viewers would receive the same message best in a different way) but I got restless at times.Speaking of communication, the plot is not spoon-fed to you and you will be guessing from time to time with hit-or-miss results. In some places it is a good thing because you think "Oooo... I wonder what they'll do next!" You might get disappointed with the result though... Otherwise, there are a few plot holes that go unexplained. It's fine but at some point, you just need (or want) a little bit more.Which brings me to my next critique, the acting. The actors were likable and for the first 80% of the movie and you really sympathize with the main protagonists but you just wanted to continue liking them and believing them that little 20% more. Don't get me wrong, they were believable and well-developed. Tragedy, loss... it's not unusual for the characters to have done what they did and coped in the way that they did. What I am trying to say though is that your perceptions of the characters will probably change however, but another possibility is that you will disregard their actions that do not fall in line with your preexisting bias. If you read some of the other reviews this comes out pretty clearly. Regardless of your opinion, there will be scenes where the actors slip or just do something that takes you out of the magic and ambiance of the movie entirely.Overall, I would say the movie was good. You won't want to watch it more than once, but not watching it might be a mistake. It will not be raunchy or perverse or action-packed like what you may expect but bear in mind it's a movie that explores the "Hey, what if..." concept in reality. So will you like this movie? If you don't like movies without fairy tale endings, probably not. Even if you like movies that allow you to think for yourself though, I believe you will finish this movie still craving something more.
ophelia_hardin It makes for nice Twilight Zone episode. I think the guys who did it deserve some credit for the story and the storytelling. There's certainly nothing wrong with it and I don't know if a bigger budget would have helped all that much. The lack of it isn't in evidence, which is also to their credit.What you've got is a supernatural premise and its conclusions; competently acted, shot, edited and scored. It's got a theme, a style, decent characterization and a compelling plot. Nothing more, nothing less.There are far worse ways to spend 98 minutes and I enjoyed it. Rod Serling would be proud. In a word: sweet.
bwdude Most of the comments here are true. Yes, it CAN be seen as boring. Yes, the acting is not the best. Yes, the plot has it's holes.However, the ones who praise it also have their point.I for one really enjoyed it. It may be for the unique twist to having "superpowers" like stopping time. Someone else called it "not a science fiction movie, but a character study". And that is certainly true.I would have been disappointed, had I expected an action-laden superhero-movie with lots of surprises and SFX.Without these expectations, I am really glad to have seen it. Certainly not for everyone, but if you saw "The Quiet Earth" and liked it, this one is a must!What would you do if you could stop time?
synphonic I wasn't expecting much about this movie, but I wasn't expecting it to be as bad either. I just finished watching the movie and I came here to read what other people had to say and, to my surprise, others claim to have enjoyed it... So, after dragging myself through the movie I just felt the urge to create an account in IMDb leave my comment. The movie is slow, the plot makes little sense and the ending is very disappointing. It's about a guy who loses his family in a car crash and then finds out he's got a camcorder which can stop time. What?! Plus, this is never given any sort of explanation, anything that would make any sense. I wasn't looking for a scientific argument, just some sort of reasoning behind the plot. From that point onwards, the movie just keeps going down (very, very slowly). Really, a total wast of time. You'll do yourself a favor by skipping this one.