Sunday School Musical

2008 "Not your ordinary high school!"
2.4| 1h33m| G| en| More Info
Released: 21 October 2008 Released
Producted By: The Asylum
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Two competing groups of high school students must rally together and enter a song and dance competition in order to save their church from closing.

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Alycool This movie was a mistake to show to my children! It contained a closeted gay male, showed students passing notes in church, and revealed pre-marital affection between two underaged adolescents. This movie also contains racism, as the white church is the church that has to support the lower class community church when it cannot afford to stay open. It also contains rap music and ludicrous dance moves, with children of the opposite sex dancing together without adult supervision. The children hug, sit close together, and even KISS before -not even marriage- but without even ASKING THEIR PARENTS PERMISSION! I would not let my child watch this unless they were 13 or older, and you can trust them to properly handle this mature content.
nannyjo This movie was perfect to show to my "tweens" Sunday school class. It isn't always easy finding real life movies where teenagers talk about church and faith. Don't get me wrong, Veggie Tales are great for younger kids and even fun for teens once in a while. As a Sunday School teacher, though, I like to show movies that show people talking about faith and not just shows with asparagus talking about God (sorry Junior!) No, it isn't a high budget production but it does get the spiritual message across. The class loved the dancing and singing and, even though the acting won't win any Oscars anytime soon, they didn't seem to notice or care. They just tapped and snapped along with the music.The film does itself a huge disservice with the title and the box cover picture that they chose. They opened themselves up to an automatic comparison to a high budget "tween" classic. Unfortunately, in that comparison, "Sunday School Musical" will not fare well. Standing on its own, however, it is a fun, meaningful movie with a good message: by believing and working together good things can happen. I guess it all depends what you were expecting. For me, this film was just what I needed.
LBritt-944-4668 I bought this for our 9 year old daughter for Christmas. I wanted a movie that she would LOVE but that would encourage her spiritual walk as well. This was IT. We went on a vacation shortly after Christmas, and I think she watched it about 10 times! She would have watched it more if I would have let her. She can sing all the songs, has a positive attitude after watching it ... and I don't have to feel bad about selling out when HSM is so popular amongst this age group. It looked like it was fairly well put together. Besides, the target audience is pre-teens and teens I would assume ... who are not really movie experts anyway. They just want a fun movie. I highly recommend it.
Mandy Acklen Before I set out to watch this movie, I checked out the reviews here and a few users believed this movie was worth every cent they forked out for it. I, on the other hand, after watching the movie, strongly believe otherwise. For most parts, the movie dabbled in some teen angst like moving away from your friends and participating in competitions and so on and so forth. And that was pretty much it. Not to mention the songs sounded particularly like a Boyz II Men karaoke compilation throughout. Their acting was nothing shy of mediocre and I was cringing for most times whenever they aren't breaking out into some dance or song. To be precise, their acting was very forced and amateur-ish. It wasn't very entertaining in other words and if you are already a HSM fan, please do not proceed to ruin your movie experience by watching this.