This is a Danish film version of "The White Horse Inn", filmed onlocation in Austria. It is presented here as a musical, rather thanas an operetta, which makes it suitable for a wider audience. DirchPasser (as Leopold) is at his best here, and the other actors arewell fitted to their roles, especially Ove Sprogøe as Leopold's rival,Sigismund. There is none of the vulgarity that can be found insome of Passer's later films, only light-hearted humour andromance. Oh, and the landscape is breathtaking.
This wonderful Danish musical takes place in the hills of Austria. At a little hotel called "The White Horse" life goes on a usual, till a very special guest arrives. Sigismund Süssheimer is a womaniser and this creates a few problems, especially because the head waiter is in love with the woman who owns the hotel, and she only has eyes for Mr. Süssheimer...but life goes on, guests come and go, romances comes and goes and it is all accompanied by lots of great songs.